- django.conf.urls
- django.conf.urls.i18n
- django.contrib.admin Django's admin site.
- django.contrib.admindocs Django's admin documentation generator.
- django.contrib.auth Django's authentication framework.
- django.contrib.auth.backends Django's built-in authentication backend classes.
- django.contrib.auth.forms
- django.contrib.auth.hashers
- django.contrib.auth.middleware Authentication middleware.
- django.contrib.auth.password_validation
- django.contrib.auth.signals
- django.contrib.auth.views
- django.contrib.contenttypes Provides generic interface to installed models.
- django.contrib.contenttypes.admin
- django.contrib.contenttypes.fields
- django.contrib.contenttypes.forms
- django.contrib.flatpages A framework for managing simple ?flat? HTML content in a database.
- django.contrib.gis Geographic Information System (GIS) extensions for Django
- django.contrib.gis.admin GeoDjango's extensions to the admin site.
- django.contrib.gis.db.backends GeoDjango's spatial database backends.
- django.contrib.gis.db.models GeoDjango model and field API.
- django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions Geographic Database Functions
- django.contrib.gis.feeds GeoDjango's framework for generating spatial feeds.
- django.contrib.gis.forms GeoDjango forms API.
- django.contrib.gis.forms.widgets GeoDjango widgets API.
- django.contrib.gis.gdal GeoDjango's high-level interface to the GDAL library.
- django.contrib.gis.geoip2 Python interface for MaxMind's GeoIP2 databases.
- django.contrib.gis.geos GeoDjango's high-level interface to the GEOS library.
- django.contrib.gis.measure GeoDjango's distance and area measurement objects.
- django.contrib.gis.serializers.geojson Serialization of GeoDjango models in the GeoJSON format.
- django.contrib.gis.utils GeoDjango's collection of utilities.
- django.contrib.gis.utils.layermapping Spatial data import utility for GeoDjango models.
- django.contrib.gis.utils.ogrinspect Utilities for inspecting OGR data sources.
- django.contrib.humanize A set of Django template filters useful for adding a "humantouch" to data.
- django.contrib.messages Provides cookie- and session-based temporary message storage.
- django.contrib.messages.middleware Message middleware.
- django.contrib.postgres PostgreSQL-specific fields and features
- django.contrib.postgres.aggregates PostgreSQL specific aggregation functions
- django.contrib.postgres.indexes
- django.contrib.postgres.validators
- django.contrib.redirects A framework for managing redirects.
- django.contrib.sessions Provides session management for Django projects.
- django.contrib.sessions.middleware Session middleware.
- django.contrib.sitemaps A framework for generating Google sitemap XML files.
- django.contrib.sites Lets you operate multiple websites from the same database andDjango project
- django.contrib.sites.middleware Site middleware.
- django.contrib.staticfiles An app for handling static files.
- django.contrib.syndication A framework for generating syndication feeds, in RSS and Atom,quite easily.
- django.core.checks
- django.core.exceptions Django core exceptions
- django.core.files File handling and storage
- django.core.files.storage
- django.core.files.uploadedfile Classes representing uploaded files.
- django.core.files.uploadhandler Django's handlers for file uploads.
- django.core.mail Helpers to easily send email.
- django.core.management
- django.core.paginator Classes to help you easily manage paginated data.
- django.core.signals Core signals sent by the request/response system.
- django.core.signing Django's signing framework.
- django.core.validators Validation utilities and base classes
- django.db
- django.db.backends Core signals sent by the database wrapper.
- django.db.backends.base.schema
- django.db.migrations Schema migration support for Django models
- django.db.migrations.operations
- django.db.models
- django.db.models.constraints
- django.db.models.fields Built-in field types.
- django.db.models.fields.related Related field types
- django.db.models.functions Database Functions
- django.db.models.indexes
- django.db.models.lookups Lookups API
- django.db.models.options Model meta-class layer
- django.db.models.signals Signals sent by the model system.
- django.db.transaction
- django.dispatch Signal dispatch
- django.forms
- django.forms.fields Django's built-in form fields.
- django.forms.formsets An abstraction for working with multiple forms on the same page.
- django.forms.models ModelForm and ModelFormset.
- django.forms.renderers Built-in form renderers.
- django.forms.widgets Django's built-in form widgets.
- django.http Classes dealing with HTTP requests and responses.
- django.middleware Django's built-in middleware classes.
- django.middleware.cache Middleware for the site-wide cache.
- django.middleware.clickjacking Clickjacking protection
- django.middleware.common Middleware adding "common" conveniences for perfectionists.
- django.middleware.csrf Middleware adding protection against Cross Site RequestForgeries.
- django.middleware.gzip Middleware to serve GZipped content for performance.
- django.middleware.http Middleware handling advanced HTTP features.
- django.middleware.locale Middleware to enable language selection based on the request.
- django.middleware.security Security middleware.
- django.shortcuts Convenience shortcuts that span multiple levels of Django's MVC stack.
- django.template Django's template system
- django.template.backends
- django.template.backends.django
- django.template.backends.jinja2
- django.template.loader
- django.template.response Classes dealing with lazy-rendered HTTP responses.
- django.test Testing tools for Django applications.
- django.test.signals Signals sent during testing.
- django.test.utils Helpers to write custom test runners.
- django.urls
- django.urls.conf Functions for use in URLconfs.
- django.utils Django's built-in utilities.
- django.utils.cache Helper functions for controlling caching.
- django.utils.dateparse Functions to parse strings to datetime objects.
- django.utils.decorators Functions that help with creating decorators for views.
- django.utils.encoding A series of helper functions to manage character encoding.
- django.utils.feedgenerator Syndication feed generation library — used for generating RSS, etc.
- django.utils.functional Functional programming tools.
- django.utils.html HTML helper functions
- django.utils.http HTTP helper functions. (URL encoding, cookie handling, …)
- django.utils.log Logging tools for Django applications
- django.utils.module_loading Functions for working with Python modules.
- django.utils.safestring Functions and classes for working with strings that can be displayed safely without further escaping in HTML.
- django.utils.text Text manipulation.
- django.utils.timezone Timezone support.
- django.utils.translation