您想编写一些代码来改进 Django ?太棒了!您可以通过多种方式帮助 Django 的开发:
- Report bugs in our ticket tracker.
- Join the django-developers mailing list and share your ideas for how to improve Django. We’re always open to suggestions. You can also interact on the Django forum and the #django-dev IRC channel.
- Submit patches for new and/or fixed behavior. If you’re looking for a way to get started contributing to Django read the 编写你的第一个 Django 补丁 tutorial and have a look at the easy pickings tickets. The Patch review checklist will also be helpful.
- Improve the documentation or write unit tests.
- Triage tickets and review patches created by other users.
- Read the 对新贡献者的建议 to help you get orientated in the development process.
浏览以下部分,了解如何使您的代码补丁有最大的机会被纳入 Django 核心: