The commands that are available will vary depending on which framework you’re using. The following table shows the commands available and what framework they’re available in.


Laravel Lumen


Only available in Laravel 5.1+

只有 Laravel 5.1+ 可用

This command will generate a table list of your API routes. This command behaves in the exact same way as the route:list command available in Laravel. As well as the standard filtering available you also have the following filters: --versions and --scopes.

这个命令将生成你的 API 路由列表。这个命令的效果类似 Laravel 中的 route:list 命令。除了标准的使用方法,你还可以使用以下的过滤器:--versions--scopes.

  1. $ php artisan api:routes
  1. $ php artisan api:routes --versions v1
  1. $ php artisan api:routes --scopes read_user_data --scopes write_user_data


Only available in Laravel 5.1+

只有 Laravel 5.1+ 可用

This command will cache your API routes alongside the main application routes. When run this command will also run the route:cache command automatically, so do not run that command after running this command.

这个命令将缓存你的 API 路由,和你主要应用的路由一起。当执行这个命令的时候会自动执行 route:cache 命令。所以执行完这个命令后就不要在执行 route:cache 了。

Your routes should either appear in the main app/Http/routes.php file or be included within that file for caching to take affect.

你的路由需要出现在你的 app/Http/routes.php 文件中或者被这个文件引入的文件中,从而让缓存个生效。

  1. $ php artisan api:cache


Available in both Laravel 5.1+ and Lumen 5.1+

只有 Laravel 5.1+ 和 Lumen 5.1+ 可用

This command will generate documentation from your annotated controllers into a standards compliant API Blueprint 1A document. For more on how to annotate your controllers see the API Blueprint Documentation chapter.

这个命令将从你的控制器注释中生成文档到一个符合标准的api文档中。更多的如何注释你的控制器请看 API Blueprint Documentation 章节。

By default the command will output the generated documentation to stdout where you can pipe it to a file or push it to a server.

默认的,这个命令将把文档输出到 stdout 中,你可以使用管道将这个文件存储到一个文件中或者推送到服务器上。

  1. $ php artisan api:docs --name Example --use-version v2

Output directly to a file with --output-file.

文件的输出目录 使用 --output-file

  1. $ php artisan api:docs --name Example --use-version v2 --output-file /path/to/

To avoid defining the name and version manually, you can configure defaults in your configuration file or environment file. For more see the configuration chapter.

为了避免手动定义名字和版本,你可以自定义配置到你的配置文件或者环境文件中。详情请看 configuration 章节.

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