An implementation of the unix “cat” program


  • Use the Deno runtime API to output the contents of a file to the console.
  • Deno.args accesses the command line arguments.
  • is used to get a handle to a file.
  • Deno.copy is used to transfer data from the file to the output stream.
  • Files should be closed when you are finished with them
  • Modules can be run directly from remote URLs.


In this program each command-line argument is assumed to be a filename, the file is opened, and printed to stdout (e.g. the console).

  1. /**
  2. * cat.ts
  3. */
  4. for (const filename of Deno.args) {
  5. const file = await;
  6. await Deno.copy(file, Deno.stdout);
  7. file.close();
  8. }

To run the program:

  1. deno run --allow-read$STD_VERSION/examples/cat.ts /etc/passwd