What are updaters?
The main difference among the updaters is how they treat the learning rate. Stochastic Gradient Descent, the most common learning algorithm in deep learning, relies on Theta
(the weights in hidden layers) and alpha
(the learning rate). Different updaters help optimize the learning rate until the neural network converges on its most performant state.
To use the updaters, pass a new class to the updater()
method in either a ComputationGraph
or MultiLayerNetwork
ComputationGraphConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
.updater(new Adam(0.01))
// add your layers and hyperparameters below
Available updaters
The Nadam updater.https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.04747.pdf
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Calculate the update based on the given gradient
- param gradient the gradient to get the update for
- param iteration
- return the gradient
Nesterov’s momentum.Keep track of the previous layer’s gradientand use it as a way of updating the gradient.
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Get the nesterov update
- param gradient the gradient to get the update for
- param iteration
- return
RMS Prop updates:
Vectorized Learning Rate used per Connection Weight
Adapted from: http://xcorr.net/2014/01/23/adagrad-eliminating-learning-rates-in-stochastic-gradient-descentSee also http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-3/#ada
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Gets feature specific learning ratesAdagrad keeps a history of gradients being passed in.Note that each gradient passed in becomes adapted over time, hence the opName adagrad
- param gradient the gradient to get learning rates for
- param iteration
The AdaMax updater, a variant of Adam.http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Calculate the update based on the given gradient
- param gradient the gradient to get the update for
- param iteration
- return the gradient
NoOp updater: gradient updater that makes no changes to the gradient
The Adam updater.http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Calculate the update based on the given gradient
- param gradient the gradient to get the update for
- param iteration
- return the gradient
Ada delta updater. More robust adagrad that keeps track of a moving windowaverage of the gradient rather than the every decaying learning rates of adagrad
public void applyUpdater(INDArray gradient, int iteration, int epoch)
Get the updated gradient for the given gradientand also update the state of ada delta.
- param gradient the gradient to get theupdated gradient for
- param iteration
- return the update gradient
SGD updater applies a learning rate only
Gradient modifications: Calculates an update and tracks related information for gradient changes over timefor handling updates.
The AMSGrad updaterReference: On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond - https://openreview.net/forum?id=ryQu7f-RZ