1.4. 跟着 Debian 最新消息
如前所述,Debian 计划以极为分散、有机的方式进行。结果是,必须痛苦地读取无止尽的消息才能保持与计划连系。
订阅 [debian-announce@lists.debian.org](https://debian-handbook.info/browse/zh-CN/stable/mailto:debian-announce@lists.debian.org)
邮件列表是获知 Debian 重要消息的方法。此邮件列表的流量极低 (每年只有十来个消息),只提供最重要的通知,诸如新版发布消息、选举新的计划领导人、或 Debian 年度会议。
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/
More general (and regular) news about Debian are sent to the [debian-news@lists.debian.org](https://debian-handbook.info/browse/zh-CN/stable/mailto:debian-news@lists.debian.org)
list. The traffic on this list is quite reasonable too (usually around a handful of messages a month), and it includes the semi-regular “Debian Project News”, which is a compilation of various small bits of information about what happens in the project.
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-news/
COMMUNITY The publicity team
Debian’s official communication channels are managed by volunteers of the Debian publicity team. They are delegates of the Debian Project Leader and moderate news and announcements posted there. Many other volunteers contribute to the team, for example, by writing content for “Debian Project News”, Debian’s official blog (bits.debian.org) or the microblogging service (micronews.debian.org), which supplies social networking sites with microblogging content.
→ https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity
For more information about the evolution of Debian and what is happening at some point in time in various teams, there is also the [debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org](https://debian-handbook.info/browse/zh-CN/stable/mailto:debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org)
list. As its name implies, the announcements it carries will probably be more interesting to developers, but it also allows interested parties to keep an eye on what happens in more concrete terms than just when a stable version is released. While [debian-announce@lists.debian.org](https://debian-handbook.info/browse/zh-CN/stable/mailto:debian-announce@lists.debian.org)
gives news about the user-visible results, [debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org](https://debian-handbook.info/browse/zh-CN/stable/mailto:debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org)
gives news about how these results are produced. As a side note, “d-d-a” (as it is sometimes referred to) is the only list that Debian developers must be subscribed to.
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/
Debian’s official blog (bits.debian.org) is also a good source of information. It conveys most of the interesting news that are published on the various mailing lists that we already covered and other important news contributed by community members. Since all Debian developers can contribute these news when they think they have something noteworthy to make public, Debian’s blog gives a valuable insight while staying rather focused on the project as a whole.
A more informal source of information can also be found on Planet Debian, which aggregates articles posted by Debian contributors on their respective blogs. While the contents do not deal exclusively with Debian development, they provide a view into what is happening in the community and what its members are up to.
The project is also well represented on social networks. Debian only has an official presence on Identi.ca (microblogging platform, powered by pump.io), but there are some accounts retransmitting the RSS feed from https://micronews.debian.org/ and many Debian contributors who are posting on non-official accounts.
→ https://fosstodon.org/@debian
→ https://www.facebook.com/debian