A.2. Ubuntu

Ubuntu made quite a splash when it came on the free software scene, and for good reason: Canonical Ltd., the company that created this distribution, started by hiring thirty-odd Debian developers and publicly stating the far-reaching objective of providing a distribution for the general public with a new release twice a year. They also committed to maintaining each version for a year and a half.

These objectives necessarily involve a reduction in scope; Ubuntu focuses on a smaller number of packages than Debian, and relies primarily on the GNOME desktop (although there are Ubuntu derivatives that come with other desktop environments). Everything is internationalized and made available in a great many languages.

So far, Ubuntu has managed to keep this release rhythm. They also publish Long Term Support (LTS) releases, with a 5-year maintenance promise. As of June 2019, the current LTS version is version 18.04, nicknamed Bionic Beaver. The last non-LTS version is version 19.04, nicknamed Disco Dingo. Version numbers describe the release date: 19.04, for example, was released in April 2019.

实践 Ubuntu 的支持和维护承诺

Canonical 多次调整了一个给定发行版本的维护时间长度的支配规则。Canonical 作为一家公司,承诺为 Ubuntu 仓库中的 main 以及 restricted 类型的所有软件提供安全更新,对于LTS 版本时间是 5 年,对于非 LTS 版本则是 9 个月。除此之外的所有软件(在 universemultiverse 中)由 MOTU 团队(Masters Of The Universe)尽最大的努力去维护。如果你依赖于后面那些类型的软件,你需要做好自行处理安全问题的准备。

Ubuntu 在普通大众中拥有广泛的用户。数以百万的用户对其安装之简单,桌面环境之易用留下了深刻的印象。

Ubuntu and Debian used to have a tense relationship; Debian developers who had placed great hopes in Ubuntu contributing directly to Debian were disappointed by the difference between the Canonical marketing, which implied Ubuntu were good citizens in the Free Software world, and the actual practice where they simply made public the changes they applied to Debian packages. Things have been getting better over the years, and Ubuntu has now made it general practice to forward patches to the most appropriate place (although this only applies to external software they package and not to the Ubuntu-specific software such as Mir or Unity).
