Troubleshooting User Account Management
Troubleshooting user account management issues
Debugging User Account Management
Admin Router
Admin Router receives all user account management operations via HTTP and hands them over to the IAM. To debug user management problems, make sure Admin Router on the masters receives the HTTP request for the intended operation using the following commands.
sudo journalctl -u dcos-adminrouter.service
Identity and Access Manager
To debug user account management problems, check the IAM (Bouncer) on the masters using the following commands.
sudo journalctl -u dcos-bouncer.service
The IAM stores user information in CockroachDB running on master nodes. If Admin Router and the IAM received the user management operation to perform according to their logs and the IAM could not fulfill the request in it likely that CockroachDB is in trouble. In this case, check for errors or unusual patterns in the CockroachDB log on all master nodes.
sudo journalctl -u dcos-cockroach.service
The simplest way to determine whether a CockroachDB cluster is healthy is to query the CockroachDB node status information from a master node like this.
sudo /opt/mesosphere/bin/cockroach node status --ranges --host=$(/opt/mesosphere/bin/detect_ip) --insecure
The reported number of nodes should match the number of DC/OS master nodes in general. However, each time a master node is replaced the CockroachDB node of the old DC/OS master node is not automatically removed.
The number of is_live
CockroachDB nodes should always match the current number of master nodes.
DC/OS sets the number of replicas for CockroachDB ranges equal to the number of DC/OS master nodes. This implies that one master node should hold one copy of the data. Therefore, the number of ranges_underreplicated
can go up temporarily if a master node goes out of business. After a new master node joins the cluster, ranges_underreplicated
is expected to go down again to zero after about five minutes.
If the number of ranges_unavailable
is non-zero, this data is at least temporarily unavailable for reading and writing. In this case, the CockroachDB range’s raft group quorum is most likely impaired.
Getting the state of the majority of CockroachDB instances to is_live
again on the majority of DC/OS master nodes is expected to restore the quorum and thus to bring ranges_unavailable
down to zero.
This is most easily done by restarting the CockroachDB instances that report is_live = false
. Execute the following command to restart the CockroachDB node on the corresponding master node.
sudo systemctl restart dcos-cockroach.service
If the raft quorum for a particular range cannot be recovered and the ranges_unavailable
persist, the unavailable data is inevitably lost because it cannot be read nor written.
NOTE: Re-installing or adding new DC/OS master nodes (CockroachDB nodes) will not add to the quorum for the ranges that are already in ranges_unavailable
state. Furthermore, deleting existing CockroachDB instances lowers the chance for recovery.