
Dask is used and developed by individuals at a variety of institutions. Itsits within the broader Python numeric ecosystem commonly referred to as PyDataor SciPy.


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Asking for help

We welcome usage questions and bug reports from all users, even those who arenew to using the project. There are a few things you can do to improve thelikelihood of quickly getting a good answer.

  • Ask questions in the right place: We strongly prefer the useof Stack Overflow or GitHub issues over Gitter chat. GitHub andStack Overflow are more easily searchable by future users, and therefore is moreefficient for everyone’s time. Gitter chat is strictly reserved fordeveloper and community discussion.

If you have a general question about how something should work orwant best practices then use Stack Overflow. If you think you have found abug then use GitHub

  • Ask only in one place: Please restrict yourself to posting yourquestion in only one place (likely Stack Overflow or GitHub) and don’t postin both

  • Create a minimal example: It is ideal to create minimal, complete,verifiable examples. Thissignificantly reduces the time that answerers spend understanding yoursituation, resulting in higher quality answers more quickly.

See also this blogpostabout crafting minimal bug reports. These have a much higher likelihood ofbeing answered

Paid support

In addition to the previous options, paid support is available from