Web libraries and packages

The Dart SDK contains dart:html and other libraries that provide low-level web APIs. You can supplement or replace these APIs using web packages, such as those in the AngularDart framework.

SDK libraries

The Dart SDK contains dart:html and other libraries that provide low-level web APIs.

Low-level web tutorials

An overview of DOM, CSS, and HTML concepts, with information on how to include a Dart script in an HTML page and how to add and remove elements from a web page. These tutorials feature interactive examples in DartPad.

The dart:html section of the library tour

An example-driven tour of using the dart:html library. Topics include manipulating the DOM programmatically, making HTTP requests, and using WebSockets.

dart:html API reference

Complete reference documentation for the dart:html library.

Web packages

Many packages support web development with Dart. Here are a few:

AngularDartangular*Useful for complex apps that support features such as event handling and dependency injection. More info: AngularDart documentation, AngularDart Components
JavaScript interopjsSupport for calling JavaScript libraries from Dart code. More info: JavaScript interoperability
Material Designmd_core, m4d_componentsBasic Material Design components.
ReactreactBindings for the ReactJS library.
VuevueBindings for the Vue.js library.

To find more libraries that support writing web apps, search for web packages.

Also see the FAQ.