C interop using dart:ffi

Dart mobile, command-line, and server apps running on the Dart Native platform can use the dart:ffi library to call native C APIs. FFI stands for foreign function interface. Other terms for similar functionality include native interface and language bindings.

As of Dart 2.7, dart:ffi is in beta, and breaking API changes might still happen. If you’re developing a Flutter app, you can get access to dart:ffi by using the Flutter dev channel, as described in the Flutter dart:ffi page.

API documentation is available from the dev channel: dart:ffi API reference.


The following examples show how to use the dart:ffi library:

hello_worldHow to call a C function with no arguments and no return value.
primitivesHow to call C functions that have arguments and return values that are ints or pointers. Also demonstrates varargs.
structsHow to use structs to pass strings to and from C and to handle simple and complex C structures.
sqlliteAn example in the Dart SDK repo that comes with a mini tutorial.

Walkthrough of hello_world

The hello_world example has the minimum necessary code for calling a C library.


The hello_world example has the following files:

Source fileDescription
hello.dartA Dart file that uses the hello_world() function from a C library.
pubspec.yamlThe usual Dart pubspec, with a lower bounds on the SDK that’s at least 2.5.
hello_library/hello.hDeclares the hello_world() function.
hello_library/hello.cA C file that imports hello.h and defines the hello_world() function.
hello_library/CMakeLists.txtA CMake build file for compiling the C code into a dynamic library.

Building the C library creates several files, including a dynamic library file named libhello.dylib (macOS), libhello.dll (Windows), or libhello.so (Linux).

Building and running

Here’s an example of building the dynamic library and executing the Dart app:

  1. $ cd hello_library
  2. $ cmake .
  3. ...
  4. $ make
  5. ...
  6. $ cd ..
  7. $ dart hello.dart
  8. Hello World

On macOS, the Dart VM (dart) can load only signed libraries. For details and workarounds, see SDK issue #38314.

Using dart:ffi

The hello.dart file illustrates the steps for using dart:ffi to call a C function:

  1. Import dart:ffi.
  2. Create a typedef with the FFI type signature of the C function.
  3. Create a typedef for the variable that you’ll use when calling the C function.
  4. Open the dynamic library that contains the C function.
  5. Get a reference to the C function, and put it into a variable.
  6. Call the C function.

Here’s the code for each step.

  1. Import dart:ffi.

    1. import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;
  2. Create a typedef with the FFI type signature of the C function.
    Commonly used types defined by dart:ffi library include Double, Int32, NativeFunction, Pointer, Struct, Uint8, and Void.

    1. typedef hello_world_func = ffi.Void Function();
  3. Create a typedef for the variable that you’ll use when calling the C function.

    1. typedef HelloWorld = void Function();
  4. Open the dynamic library that contains the C function.

    1. final dylib = ffi.DynamicLibrary.open('hello_world.dylib');
  5. Get a reference to the C function, and put it into a variable. This code uses the typedefs defined in steps 2 and 3, along with the dynamic library variable from step 4.

    1. final HelloWorld hello = dylib
    2. .lookup<ffi.NativeFunction<hello_world_func>>('hello_world')
    3. .asFunction();
  6. Call the C function.

    1. hello();

Once you understand the hello_world example, you should be ready to look at the other dart:ffi examples.

Bundling and loading C libraries

How you bundle (or package or distribute) a C library with your package or app and then load that library depends on your platform and the type of library. For details, see the following: