Core libraries

Dart has a rich set of core libraries that provide essentials for many everydayprogramming tasks such as working on collections of objects(dart:collection), making calculations (dart:math), and encoding/decodingdata (dart:convert). Additional APIs are available incommunity contributed packages.

Multi-platform libraries

The following table lists the Dart core libraries that work on allDart platforms.

dart:async Support for asynchronous programming, with classes such as Future and Stream.
dart:collection Classes and utilities that supplement the collection support in dart:core.
dart:convert Encoders and decoders for converting between different data representations, including JSON and UTF-8.
dart:core Built-in types, collections, and other core functionality for every Dart program.
dart:developer Interaction with developer tools such as the debugger and inspector.JIT and dartdevc only
dart:math Mathematical constants and functions, plus a random number generator.
dart:typed_data Lists that efficiently handle fixed sized data (for example, unsigned 8-byte integers) and SIMD numeric types.

Native platform libraries

The following table lists the Dart core libraries that work on theDart native platform (AOT- and JIT-compiled code).

dart:io File, socket, HTTP, and other I/O support for non-web applications.
dart:isolate Concurrent programming using isolates: independent workers similar to threads.
dart:mirrors Basic reflection with support for introspection and dynamic invocation.ExperimentalJIT only (not Flutter)

Web platform libraries

The following table lists the Dart core libraries that work on theDart web platform (code compiled to JavaScript).

dart:html HTML elements and other resources for web-based applications.
dart:indexed_db Client-side key-value store with support for indexes.
dart:web_audio High-fidelity audio programming in the browser.
dart:web_gl 3D programming in the browser.
dart:jsDon’t use. Instead, use the js package, as described in JavaScript interoperability.DEPRECATED
dart:js_utilDon’t use. Instead, use the js package, as described in JavaScript interoperability.DEPRECATED
dart:web_sql API for storing data in the browser that can be queried with SQL.DEPRECATED