

贡献新的 How-To 指南


  • 启用一个功能
  • 集成一项技术
  • 在特定场景中使用 Dapr

“操作方法”指南可以被视为比快速入门更高级的、自助指导文档。 操作方法场景将需要更长的时间,并且更容易应用于读者的个人项目或环境。

在命名操作方法文档时,文件名中包含子目录名称。 如果您需要创建一个新的子目录,请确保它具有描述性,并包含相关组件或概念名称。 例如,pubsub-namespaces


这个模板只是一个建议。 根据您的文档目的随意更改。



  1. ---
  2. type: #Required; docs
  3. title: #Required; "How to: Brief, clear title"
  4. linkTitle: #Required; "How to: Shorter than regular title, to show in table of contents"
  5. weight: #Required; Use the correct weight based on hierarchy
  6. description: #Required; One-sentence description of what to expect in the article
  7. ---
  8. <!--
  9. Remove all the comments in this template before opening a PR.
  10. -->
  11. <!--
  12. H1: The title in the Hugo front-matter serves as the article's markdown H1.
  13. -->
  14. <!-- Introductory paragraph
  15. Required. Light intro that briefly describes what the how-to will cover and any default Dapr characteristics. Link off to the appropriate concept or overview docs to provide context. -->
  16. <!--
  17. Include a diagram or image, if possible.
  18. -->
  19. <!--
  20. If applicable, link to the related quickstart in a shortcode note or alert with text like:
  21. If you haven't already, [try out the <topic> quickstart](link) for a quick walk-through on how to use <topic>.
  22. -->
  23. <!--
  24. Make sure the how-to includes examples for multiple programming languages, OS, or deployment targets, if applicable.
  25. -->
  26. ## <Action or task>
  27. <!--
  28. Unlike quickstarts, do not use "Step 1", "Step 2", etc.
  29. -->
  30. ## <Action or task>
  31. <!--
  32. Each H2 step should start with a verb/action word.
  33. -->
  34. <!--
  35. Include code snippets where possible.
  36. -->
  37. ## Next steps
  38. <!--
  39. Link to related pages and examples. For example, the building block overview, the related tutorial, API reference, etc.
  40. -->