The CryptoParty Handbook

Comments and questions about handbook content are more than welcome, please submit them using new issues and pull requests.


For building the handbook artifacts (PDF, LaTeX, EPUB etc…) the following prerequisites are required:

  • GNU make
  • pandoc
  • pdflatex

On Ubuntu all prerequisites can be installed with the following line:

  1. $ sudo apt-get install build-essential pandoc texlive-full

On Arch Linux, try:

  1. $ sudo pacman -S ghc alex happy cabal-install texlive-core texlive-science texlive-latexextra
  2. $ sudo cabal update
  3. $ sudo cabal install --global pandoc

Alternatively you can skip ghc and cabal and just use pandoc-bin from the AUR.


In order to build the handbook artifacts (PDF, LaTeX, EPUB) execute the following from the src/ folder:

  1. $ cd src
  2. $ make clean
  3. $ make install

Getting the Handbook on a Kindle

  1. Import the EPUB file into your Calibre Library.
  2. Use Calibre’s converter to convert EPUB to MOBI
  3. Attach your kindle by USB cable, send the MOBI wirelessly to the Kindle.
  4. [optional] If you want the coverart then a bit more advanced hacking in Calibre is required
  5. [download premade] If you dont fancy tinkering with Calibre’s more advanced tools then just download a pre-tweaked MOBI file from here:

CI Build

Build Status

The CryptoParty Handbook is continuously built on the Travis CI platform. Build status is updated by the icon above. Further build information can be found on

Peer Review Process

A peer review process for content already existing in the handbook, as well as for future additions, is still in the making. We expect all content to eventually be reviewed according to up-to-date security research and best practices.


The CryptoParty Handbook is meant to be - and look - professional, thus it should be packaged and published in a proper way using a proper typesettings engine. If you have any knowledge or experience with book publishing and typesetting, please weigh in.


The CryptoParty Handbook content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).

All chapters © the contributors unless otherwise noted.

  1. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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  39. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
