Register a new repository used to store, manage and restore snapshots.

Table of contents


  1. CREATE REPOSITORY repository_name TYPE type
  2. [ WITH (repository_parameter [= value], [, ...]) ]


CREATE REPOSITORY will register a new repository in the cluster.


If the repository configuration points to a location with existing snapshots, these are made available to the cluster.

Repositories are declared using a repository_name, type and set of parameters.

Further configuration parameters are given in the WITH Clause.



The name of the repository as identifier


The type of the repository, see Types.

It is not possible to change parameters that were used to create a repository. Any changes to repository parameters that would prevent it from functioning would require removing the old and creating a new repository with the same type, name, and adjusted parameters. Please use the DROP REPOSITORY and CREATE REPOSITORY for this purpose. Note that the repository’s snapshots won’t be affected by this change and can be accessed via the new repository.



  1. [ WITH (repository_parameter [= value], [, ...]) ]

The following configuration parameters apply to repositories of all types.

For further configuration options see the documentation of the repository type (e.g. type fs).


The maximum rate at which snapshots are restored on a single node from this repository.

Default: 40mb per second.


The maximum rate at which snapshots are created on a single node to this repository.

Default: 40mb per second.


A type determines how and where a repository stores its snapshots.

The supported types are the following. More types are supported via plugins.


A repository storing its snapshots to a shared filesystem that must be accessible by all master and data nodes in the cluster.


To create repositories of this type, it’s necessary to configure the possible locations for repositories inside the crate.yml file under path.repo as list of strings.



Type: text


An absolute or relative path to the directory where snapshots get stored. If the path is relative, it will be appended to the first entry in the path.repo setting.

Windows UNC paths are allowed, if server name and shares are specified and backslashes properly escaped.

Only paths starting with an entry from path.repo are possible.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the metadata part of the snapshot should be compressed or not.

The actual table data is not compressed.


Type: bigint or text

Default: null

Defines the maximum size of a single file that gets created during snapshot creation. If set to null big files will not be split into smaller chunks. The chunk size can be either specified in bytes or using size value notation (e.g. 1g, 5m, or 9k).


A repository that stores its snapshot inside an HDFS file-system.



Type: text

Default: default filesystem URI for the given Hadoop HDFS configuration

HDFS uri of the form hdfs:// <host>:<port>/.


Type: text

A qualified kerberos principal used to authenticate against HDFS.


Type: text

HDFS filesystem path to where the data gets stored.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether to load the default Hadoop Configuration.


Type: various

Dynamic config values added to the Hadoop configuration.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the metadata part of the snapshot should be compressed or not.

The actual table data is not compressed.


Type: bigint or text

Default: null

Defines the maximum size of a single file that gets created during snapshot creation. If set to null big files will not be split into smaller chunks. The chunk size can be either specified in bytes or using size value notation (e.g. 1g, 5m, or 9k).


A repository that stores its snapshot on the Amazon S3 service. When used in conjunction with Amazon IAM Roles, access_key and secret_key must be undefined and these credentials will then be loaded from the Amazon Container (e.g. EC2).



Type: text

Required: false

Access key used for authentication against AWS. Note that this setting is masked and thus will not be visible when querying the sys.repositories table.


Type: text

Required: false

Secret key used for authentication against AWS. Note that this setting is masked and thus will not be visible when querying the sys.repositories table.


Type: text

Name of the S3 bucket used for storing snapshots. If the bucket does not yet exist, a new bucket will be created on S3 (assuming the required permissions are set).


Type: text

Default: root directory

Specifies the relative path within the bucket of the repository data. It must not contain a leading / (forward slash).


Type: text

Default: Default AWS API endpoint

Endpoint to the S3 API. If a specific region is desired, specify it by using this setting.


Type: text

Values: http, https

Default: https

Protocol to be used.


Type: bigint or text

Default: null

Defines the maximum size of a single file that gets created during snapshot creation. If set to null big files will not be split into smaller chunks. The chunk size can be either specified in bytes or using size value notation (e.g. 1g, 5m, or 9k).


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether the metadata part of the snapshot should be compressed.

The actual table data is not compressed.


Type: boolean

Default: false

If set to true, files are encrypted on the server side using the AES256 algorithm.


Type: text

Default: 5mb

Minimum: 5mb

Minimum threshold below which chunks are uploaded with a single request. If the threshold is exceeded, the chunks will be split into multiple parts of buffer_size length. Each chunk will be uploaded separately.


Type: integer

Default: 3

Number of retries in case of errors.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Whether retries should be throttled (ie use backoff).


Type: boolean

Default: false

If set to true the repository is made read-only.


Type: text

Values: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, log-delivery-write, bucket-owner-read, or bucket-owner-full-control

Default: private

When the repository creates buckets and objects, the specified canned ACL is added.


A repository type that stores its snapshots on the Azure Storage service.



Type: text

Default: crate-snapshots

The Azure Storage container name. You must create the Azure Storage container before creating the repository.


Type: text

Default: root directory

The path within the Azure Storage container to repository data.


Type: bigint or text

Default: 256mb

Maximum: 256mb

Minimum: 1b

Defines the maximum size of a single file that gets created during snapshot creation. The chunk size can be either specified in bytes or using size value notation (e.g. 128mb, 5m, or 9k).


Type: boolean

Default: true

When set to true metadata files are stored in compressed format. The actual table data is not compressed.


Type: boolean

Default: false

If set to true the repository is made read-only.


Type: text

Values: primary_only, secondary_only

Default: primary_only

The location mode for storing data on the Azure Storage. Note that if you set it to secondary_only, it will force readonly to true.

Client specific settings


Type: text

The Azure Storage account name. Note that this setting is masked and thus will not be visible when querying the sys.repositories table.


Type: text

The Azure Storage account secret key. Note that this setting is masked and thus will not be visible when querying the sys.repositories table.


Type: text


The Azure Storage account endpoint suffix.


Type: integer

Default: 3

The number of retries in case of failures before considering the snapshot to be failed.


Type: text

Default: 30s

The initial backoff period. Time to wait before retrying after a first timeout or failure.


Type: text

Values: http, socks, or direct

Default: direct

The type of the proxy to connect to the Azure Storage account through.


Type: text

The host name of a proxy to connect to the Azure Storage account through.


Type: integer

Default: 0

The port of a proxy to connect to the Azure Storage account through.


A read-only repository that points to the location of a fs repository via http, https, ftp, file and jar urls. It only allows for RESTORE SNAPSHOT operations.



Type: text

This url must point to the root of the shared fs repository.

Due to security reasons only whitelisted URLs can be used. URLs can be whitelisted in the crate.yml configuration file. See Repositories.