Version 1.1.3

Released on 2017/05/09.


If you are upgrading a cluster, you must be running CrateDB 0.57.0 or higher before you upgrade to 1.1.3.

If you want to perform a rolling upgrade, your current CrateDB version number must be Version 1.1.1 or higher. If you want to upgrade from a version prior to this, the upgrade will introduce all of the breaking changes listed for Version 1.1.0, and will require a full restart upgrade.


Before upgrading, you should back up your data.

Table of Contents



  • Admin UI improvements.

  • Improved the accuracy of results if arithmetic operators +,-,*,/ are used in expressions that contain only float-type values.

  • Fixed COPY FROM to be able to copy data into a partitioned table with a generated column as both the primary key and the partitioned column.

  • Fixed a NullPointerException which occured when selecting routing_hash_function or version columns from sys.shards for blob tables.

  • Fixed error thrown when applying filtering, ordering or limit on joins with more than 2 tables.

  • Fixed issue which lead to an object’s column policy being changed to the default DYNAMIC when adding a nested object column using the ALTER TABLE statement.

  • Fixed an issue with regexp_replace: In some cases it used the third argument as flags parameter instead of the fourth argument.

  • Improved error message when trying to update an element of an array.

  • Fixed a regression that lead to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if a JOIN query was made with a WHERE clause on partitioned columns.

  • Fixed a NullPointerException which could occur if an attempt was made to use match on two different relations within an explicit join condition. This now raises a proper error stating that it’s not supported.

  • Wrong results were returned from queries with more than one level of nested subselects.

  • ORDER BY on joins caused incorrect order of values when having multiple non-distinct values on the left part of the join. Now ORDER BY is correctly applied.

  • The usage of DISTINCT in a query with a GROUP BY was producing wrong results and was changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException. E.g.:

    1. SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM t1 GROUP BY col2, col1
  • An error was thrown when using ORDER BY COUNT(*) on JOINS. E.g.:

    1. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1, t2 ORDER BY 1