Gateway Resource Configuration

This topic provides full details about the Gateway resource.


A Gateway is an instance of network infrastructure that determines how service traffic should be handled. A Gateway contains one or more listeners that bind to a set of IP addresses. An HTTPRoute or TCPRoute can then attach to a gateway listener to direct traffic from the gateway to a service.

Gateway instances derive their configurations from the GatewayClass resource, which acts as a template for individual Gateway deployments. Refer to GatewayClass for additional information.

Specify the following parameters to declare a Gateway:

kindSpecifies the type of configuration object. The value should always be Gateway.Required
descriptionHuman-readable string that describes the purpose of the Gateway.Optional
versionSpecifies the Kubernetes API version. The value should always be
scopeSpecifies the effective scope of the Gateway. The value should always be namespaced.Required
fieldsSpecifies the configurations for the Gateway. The fields are listed in the configuration model. Details for each field are described in the specification.Required

Configuration model

The following outline shows how to format the configurations in the Gateway object. Click on a property name to view details about the configuration.

  • gatewayClassName: string | required
  • listeners: array of objects | required
    • allowedRoutes: object | required
      • namespaces: object | required
        • from: string | required
        • selector: object | required if from is configured to selector
          • matchExpressions: array of objects | required if matchLabels is not configured
            • key: string | required if matchExpressions is declared
            • operator: string | required if matchExpressions is declared
            • values: array of strings | required if matchExpressions is declared
          • matchLabels: map of strings | required if matchExpressions is not configured
    • hostname: string | required
    • name: string | required
    • port: integer | required
    • protocol: string | required
    • tls: object | required if protocol is set to HTTPS
      • certificateRefs: array or objects | required if tls is declared
        • name: string | required if certificateRefs is declared
        • namespace: string | required if certificateRefs is declared
      • mode: string | required if certificateRefs is declared
      • options: map of strings | optional


This topic provides details about the configuration parameters.


Specifies the name of the GatewayClass resource used for the Gateway instance. Unless you are using a custom GatewayClass, this value should be set to consul.

  • Type: string
  • Required: required


Specifies the listeners associated with the Gateway. At least one listener must be specified. Each listener within a Gateway must have a unique combination of hostname, port, and protocol.

  • Type: array of objects
  • Required: required


Specifies a namespace object that defines the types of routes that may be attached to a listener.

  • Type: object
  • Required: required


Determines which routes are allowed to attach to the listener. Only routes in the same namespace as the Gateway may be attached by default.

  • Type: string
  • Required: optional
  • Default: Same namespace as the parent Gateway


Determines which namespaces are allowed to attach a route to the Gateway. You can specify one of the following strings:

  • All: Routes in all namespaces may be attached to the Gateway.
  • Same (default): Only routes in the same namespace as the Gateway may be attached.
  • Selector: Only routes in namespaces that match the selector may be attached.

This parameter is required.


Specifies a method for selecting routes that are allowed to attach to the listener. The Gateway checks for namespaces in the network that match either a regular expression or a label. Routes from the matching namespace are allowed to attach to the listener.

You can configure one of the following objects:

This field is required when from is configured to Selector.


Specifies an array of requirements for matching namespaces. If a match is found, then routes from the matching namespace(s) are allowed to attach to the Gateway. The following table describes members of the matchExpressions array:

keySpecifies the label that the key applies to.stringrequired when matchExpressions is declared
operatorSpecifies the key’s relation to a set of values. You can use the following keywords:
  • In: Only routes in namespaces that contain the strings in the values field can attach to the Gateway.
  • NotIn: Routes in namespaces that do not contain the strings in the values field can attach to the Gateway.
  • Exists: Routes in namespaces that contain the key value are allowed to attach to the Gateway.
  • DoesNotExist: Routes in namespaces that do not contain the key value are allowed to attach to the Gateway.
stringrequired when matchExpressions is declared
valuesSpecifies an array of string values. If operator is configured to In or NotIn, then the values array must contain values. If operator is configured to Exists or DoesNotExist, then the values array must be empty.array of stringsrequired when matchExpressions is declared

In the following example, routes in namespaces that contain foo and bar are allowed to attach routes to the Gateway.

  1. namespaceSelector:
  2. matchExpressions:
  3. - key:
  4. operator: In
  5. values:
  6. - foo
  7. - bar

Refer to Labels and Selectors in the Kubernetes documentation for additional information about matchExpressions.


Specifies an array of labels and label values. If a match is found, then routes with the matching label(s) are allowed to attach to the Gateway. This selector can contain any arbitrary key/value pair.

In the following example, routes in namespaces that have a bar label are allowed to attach to the Gateway.

  1. namespaceSelector:
  2. matchLabels:
  3. foo: bar

Refer to Labels and Selectors in the Kubernetes documentation for additional information about labels.


Specifies the listener‘s hostname.

  • Type: string
  • Required: required

Specifies the listener‘s name.

  • Type: string
  • Required: required


Specifies the port number that the listener attaches to.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: required


Specifies the protocol the listener communicates on.

  • Type: string
  • Required: required

Allowed values are TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS


Specifies the tls configurations for the Gateway. The tls object is required if protocol is set to HTTPS. The object contains the following fields:

Specifies Kubernetes name and namespace objects that contains TLS certificates and private keys.
The certificates establish a TLS handshake for requests that match the hostname of the associated listener. Each reference must be a Kubernetes Secret. If you are using a Secret in a namespace other than the Gateway‘s, each reference must also have a corresponding ReferenceGrant.
Object or arrayRequired if tls is set
modeSpecifies the TLS Mode. Should always be set to Terminate for HTTPRoutesstringRequired if certificateRefs is set
optionsSpecifies additional Consul API Gateway options.Map of stringsoptional

The following keys for options are available

In the following example, tls settings are configured to use a secret named consul-server-cert in the same namespace as the Gateway and the minimum tls version is set to TLSv1_2.

  1. tls:
  2. certificateRefs:
  3. - name: consul-server-cert
  4. group: ""
  5. kind: Secret
  6. mode: Terminate
  7. options:
  8. "TLSv1_2"

Example cross-namespace certificateRef

The following example creates a Gateway named example-gateway in namespace gateway-namespace (lines 2-4). The gateway has a certificateRef in namespace secret-namespace (lines 16-18). The reference is allowed because the ReferenceGrant configuration, named reference-grant in namespace secret-namespace (lines 24-27), allows Gateways in gateway-namespace to reference Secrets in secret-namespace (lines 31-35).

Gateway - 图1


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536apiVersion:
  2. kind: Gateway
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-gateway
  5. namespace: gateway-namespace
  6. spec:
  7. gatewayClassName: consul
  8. listeners:
  9. - protocol: HTTPS
  10. port: 443
  11. name: https
  12. allowedRoutes:
  13. namespaces:
  14. from: Same
  15. tls:
  16. certificateRefs:
  17. - name: cert
  18. namespace: secret-namespace
  19. group: ""
  20. kind: Secret
  21. ---
  22. apiVersion:
  23. kind: ReferenceGrant
  24. metadata:
  25. name: reference-grant
  26. namespace: secret-namespace
  27. spec:
  28. from:
  29. - group:
  30. kind: Gateway
  31. namespace: gateway-namespace
  32. to:
  33. - group: ""
  34. kind: Secret
  35. name: cert