Upgrade Instructions

This document is intended to help users who find themselves many versions behind to upgrade safely.

General Upgrade Path

Each upgrade should jump at most 2 major versions, except where dedicated instructions are provided for a larger jump between specific versions. If your upgrade path has no applicable dedicated instructions, review the version-specific upgrade details to plan your upgrade, starting from the next version and working upwards to your target version.

For example, to upgrade from Consul 1.12 to Consul 1.15:

  1. Upgrade to Consul 1.14 as an intermediate step. To plan, review the upgrade details for 1.13 and 1.14.
  2. Upgrade to Consul 1.15. To plan, review the upgrade details for 1.15.

Dedicated Instructions for Specific Upgrade Paths

The following table provides links to dedicated instructions for directly upgrading from a version in the starting range to a destination version.

Starting Version RangeDestination VersionUpgrade Instructions
1.8.0 - to upgrading to latest 1.10.x
1.6.9 - to upgrading to latest 1.8.x
1.2.4 - to upgrading to latest 1.6.x
0.8.5 - to upgrading to latest 1.2.x

For example, to upgrade from Consul 1.3.1 to latest 1.12:

  1. Upgrade to Consul 1.6.10 using the dedicated instructions.
  2. Upgrade to Consul 1.8.19 using the dedicated instructions.
  3. Upgrade to Consul 1.10.12 using the dedicated instructions.
  4. Upgrade to latest Consul 1.12.x after consulting the version-specific upgrade details for 1.11 and 1.12.