Consul on Kubernetes

Consul has many integrations with Kubernetes. You can deploy Consul to Kubernetes using the Helm chart or Consul K8s CLI, sync services between Consul and Kubernetes, run Consul Service Mesh, and more. This section documents the official integrations between Consul and Kubernetes.

Use Cases

Consul Service Mesh: Consul can automatically inject the Consul Service Mesh sidecar into pods so that they can accept and establish encrypted and authorized network connections with mutual TLS. And because Consul Service Mesh can run anywhere, pods and external services can communicate with each other over a fully encrypted connection.

Service sync to enable Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes services to communicate: Consul can sync Kubernetes services with its own service registry. This service sync allows Kubernetes services to use Kubernetes’ native service discovery capabilities to discover and connect to external services registered in Consul, and for external services to use Consul service discovery to discover and connect to Kubernetes services.

Additional integrations: Consul can run directly on Kubernetes, so in addition to the native integrations provided by Consul itself, any other tool built for Kubernetes can leverage Consul.

Getting Started With Consul and Kubernetes

There are several ways to try Consul with Kubernetes in different environments.

