Configuration Reference

This pages details the configuration options for the JSON config format used by the consul-ecs binary. This configuration is passed to the consul-ecs binary as a string using the CONSUL_ECS_CONFIG_JSON environment variable.

This configuration format follows a JSON schema that can be used for validation.

Terraform Mesh Task Module Configuration

The mesh-task Terraform module provides input variables for commonly used fields. The following table shows which Terraform input variables correspond to each field of the Consul ECS configuration. Refer to the Terraform registry documentation for a complete reference of supported input variables for the mesh-task module.

Terraform Input VariableConsul ECS Config Field

Each of these Terraform input variables follow the Consul ECS config schema. The remaining fields of the Consul ECS configuration not listed in this table can be passed using the consul_ecs_config input variable.

Top-level fields

These are the top-level fields for the Consul ECS configuration format.

bootstrapDirstringrequiredThe directory at which to mount the shared volume where Envoy bootstrap configuration is written by consul-ecs mesh-init.
healthSyncContainersarrayoptionalThe names of containers that will have health check status synced from ECS into Consul. Cannot be specified with service.checks.
proxyobjectoptionalConfiguration for the sidecar proxy registration with Consul.
serviceobjectrequiredConfiguration for Consul service registration.


Configuration for Consul service registration.

checksarrayoptionalThe list of Consul checks for the service. Cannot be specified with healthSyncContainers.
enableTagOverridebooleanoptionalDetermines if the anti-entropy feature for the service is enabled
metaobjectoptionalKey-value pairs of metadata to include for the Consul service.
namestringoptionalThe name the service will be registered as in Consul. Defaults to the Task family name if empty or null.
namespacestringoptionalThe Consul namespace where the service will be registered [Consul Enterprise].
partitionstringoptionalThe Consul admin partition where the service will be registered [Consul Enterprise].
portintegerrequiredPort the application listens on, if any.
tagsarrayoptionalList of string values that can be used to add service-level labels.
weightsobjectoptionalConfigures the weight of the service in terms of its DNS service (SRV) response.


Defines the Consul checks for the service. Each check may contain these fields.

aliasNodestringoptionalSpecifies the ID of the node for an alias check.
aliasServicestringoptionalSpecifies the ID of a service for an alias check.
argsarrayoptionalCommand arguments to run to update the status of the check.
bodystringoptionalSpecifies a body that should be sent with HTTP checks.
checkIdstringoptionalThe unique ID for this check on the node. Defaults to the check name.
failuresBeforeCriticalintegeroptionalSpecifies the number of consecutive unsuccessful results required before check status transitions to critical.
grpcstringoptionalSpecifies a gRPC check. Must be an endpoint that supports the standard gRPC health checking protocol. The endpoint will be probed every interval.
grpcUseTlsbooleanoptionalSpecifies whether to use TLS for this gRPC health check.
h2pingstringoptionalSpecifies this is an h2ping check. Must be an address, which will be pinged every interval.
h2pingUseTlsbooleanoptionalSpecifies whether TLS is used for an h2ping check.
headerobjectoptionalSpecifies a set of headers that should be set for HTTP checks. Each header can have multiple values.
httpstringoptionalSpecifies this is an HTTP check. Must be a URL against which request is performed every interval.
intervalstringoptionalSpecifies the frequency at which to run this check. Required for HTTP and TCP checks.
methodstringoptionalSpecifies the HTTP method to be used for an HTTP check. When no value is specified, GET is used.
namestringoptionalThe name of the check.
notesstringoptionalSpecifies arbitrary information for humans. This is not used by Consul internally.
statusstringoptionalSpecifies the initial status the health check. Must be one of passing, warning, critical, maintenance, ornull.
successBeforePassingintegeroptionalSpecifies the number of consecutive successful results required before check status transitions to passing.
tcpstringoptionalSpecifies this is a TCP check. Must be an IP/hostname plus port to which a TCP connection is made every interval.
timeoutstringoptionalSpecifies a timeout for outgoing connections in the case of a Script, HTTP, TCP, or gRPC check. Must be a duration string, such as 10s or 5m.
tlsServerNamestringoptionalSpecifies an optional string used to set the SNI host when connecting via TLS.
tlsSkipVerifybooleanoptionalSpecifies if the certificate for an HTTPS check should not be verified.
ttlstringoptionalSpecifies this is a TTL check. Must be a duration string, such as 10s or 5m.


Configures the weight of the service in terms of its DNS service (SRV) response.

passingintegerrequiredWeight for the service when its health checks are passing.
warningintegerrequiredWeight for the service when it has health checks in warning status.


Configuration for the sidecar proxy registration with Consul.

configobjectoptionalObject value that specifies an opaque JSON configuration. The JSON is stored and returned along with the service instance when called from the API.
meshGatewayobjectoptionalSpecifies the mesh gateway configuration for the proxy.
upstreamsarrayoptionalThe list of the upstream services that the proxy should create listeners for.


The list of the upstream services that the proxy should create listeners for. Each upstream may contain these fields.

configobjectoptionalSpecifies opaque configuration options that will be provided to the proxy instance for the upstream.
datacenterstringoptionalSpecifies the datacenter to issue the discovery query to.
destinationNamestringrequiredSpecifies the name of the upstream service or prepared query to route the service mesh to.
destinationNamespacestringoptionalSpecifies the namespace containing the upstream service [Consul Enterprise].
destinationPartitionstringoptionalSpecifies the name of the admin partition containing the upstream service [Consul Enterprise].
destinationTypestringoptionalSpecifies the type of discovery query the proxy should use for finding service mesh instances. Must be one of service, prepared_query, ornull.
localBindAddressstringoptionalSpecifies the address to bind a local listener to.
localBindPortintegerrequiredSpecifies the port to bind a local listener to. The application will make outbound connections to the upstream from the local port.
meshGatewayobjectoptionalSpecifies the mesh gateway configuration for the proxy for this upstream.


Specifies the mesh gateway configuration for the proxy for this upstream.

modestringrequiredSpecifies how the upstream with a remote destination datacenter gets resolved. Must be one of none, local, orremote.


Specifies the mesh gateway configuration for the proxy.

modestringrequiredSpecifies how upstreams with a remote destination datacenter get resolved. Must be one of none, local, orremote.