


幸运的是,游戏引擎在设计的时候已经考虑到这些情景了,注意在 AppDelegate.cpp 中,有这样几个方法:

  1. // This function will be called when the app is inactive. When comes a phone call,
  2. // it's be invoked too
  3. void AppDelegate::applicationDidEnterBackground() {
  4. Director::getInstance()->stopAnimation();
  5. // if you use AudioEngine, it must be pause
  6. // AudioEngine::pauseAll();
  7. }
  8. // this function will be called when the app is active again
  9. void AppDelegate::applicationWillEnterForeground() {
  10. Director::getInstance()->startAnimation();
  11. // if you use AudioEngine, it must resume here
  12. // AudioEngine::resumeAll();
  13. }

看到了那些被注释的行吗?如果你有使用 AudioEngine 在游戏中播放声音,记得取消这些注释。当这些被注释的代码生效,你的游戏就能应对刚才提到的场景。



  1. #include "AudioEngine.h"
  2. using namespace cocos2d::experimental;
  3. // pre-loading background music and effects. You could pre-load
  4. // effects, perhaps on app startup so they are already loaded
  5. // when you want to use them.
  6. AudioEngine::preload("myMusic1.mp3");
  7. AudioEngine::preload("myMusic2.mp3");
  8. // unload a sound from cache. If you are finished with a sound and
  9. // you wont use it anymore in your game. unload it to free up
  10. // resources.
  11. AudioEngine::uncache("myEffect1.mp3");

通过回调, 你也可以 preload 完成后进行一些操作

  1. AudioEngine::preload("myMusic1.mp3", [](bool success){
  2. //do some stuff
  3. });



  1. #include "AudioEngine.h"
  2. using namespace cocos2d::experimental;
  3. // setting the volume specifying value as a float
  4. // set default volume
  5. AudioEngine::setVolume(audioID, 0.5);