

Editor.Menu.popup (template[, x, y])

  • template array|object - Menu template for initialize. The template take the options of Electron's Menu Item
  • x number - The position x
  • y number - The position y
    Send menu:popup to main process.

Editor.Menu.register (name, tmpl[, force])

  • name string - The name of the register menu
  • tmpl object - Menu template
  • force boolean - Force to register a menu even it was registered before.
    Send menu:register to main process.

Editor.Menu.walk (template, fn)

  • template array|object - Menu template.
  • fn functoin - Function applied to each menu item
  1. Editor.Menu.walk(menuTmpl, item => {
  2. if ( item.params ) {
  3. item.params.unshift('Hello');
  4. }
  5. if (item.message === 'foobar:say-hello') {
  6. item.enabled = false;
  7. }
  8. });