Editor (Console Module)


Editor.clearLog(pattern, useRegex)

  • pattern string - Specify the clear pattern
  • useRegex boolean - If we use regex for the clear pattern
    Clear the logs. If we specify pattern for the method, it will clear the match pattern.The method will send ipc message editor:console-clear to all windows.


After we call this function, all the incoming logs will be stored in the memory, and can be queried by ipc message editor:console-query.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the error message and show on the console, it also shows the call stack start from the function call it.The method will sends ipc message editor:console-error to all windows.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the fatal message and show on the console, the app will quit immediately after that.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the failed message and show on the consoleThe method will send ipc message editor:console-failed to all windows.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the info message and show on the consoleThe method will send ipc message editor:console-info to all windows.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the normal message and show on the console.The method will send ipc message editor:console-log to all windows.


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the success message and show on the consoleThe method will send ipc message editor:console-success to all windows.

Editor.trace(level[, …args])

  • level string - The log level
  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Trace the log


  • …args … - Whatever arguments the message needs
    Log the warnning message and show on the console, it also shows the call stack start from the function call it.The method will send ipc message editor:console-warn to all windows.

IPC Messages

Message: 'editor:console-query'

Return logs stores in the memory in main process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-error'

Log the error message from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-trace'

Trace the log from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-failed'

Log the failed message from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-info'

Log the failed message from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-log'

Log the normal message from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-success'

Log the success message from renderer process.

Message: 'editor:renderer-console-warn'

Log the warning message from renderer process.