
Primate Guide

What is Primate?

Apache CloudStack Primate is a modern role-based progressive UI based on Vue.js and Ant Design for Apache CloudStack.

alternate text

With Apache CloudStack 4.14, a technical preview of Primate is proposed that users can evaluate. The technical preview release is not an officially voted release by the Apache CloudStack project but offers a snapshot build of Primate for users for testing and evaluation. The official Primate GA is expected with the next CloudStack release where the legacy UI will be deprecated, and the legacy UI will be removed in an eventual major CloudStack release.

  1. NOTE: Primate tech-preview is not suitable to run in production environments.

User participation in the community mailing lists is encouraged. Users may also log issues on Github


Primate uses API auto-discovery to discover APIs allowed for a logged-in user and creates navigation and views based on that.

  • Apache CloudStack or later
  • API auto-discovery (listApis enabled)
  • All modern browsers that are ES5-compliant

In theory Primate can work with any older version of CloudStack. However, several Primate list views require API pagination support, some of which are available starting Apache CloudStack

Installation on CentOS

Users running management server (4.13 or above) on CentOS can setup the following Primate tech-preview repository:

  1. rpm --import
  2. cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack-primate-tech-preview.repo
  3. [cloudstack-primate-tech-preview]
  4. name=cloudstack
  5. baseurl=
  6. enabled=1
  7. gpgcheck=1
  8. gpgkey=
  9. EOF

Next, install Primate:

  1. yum install cloudstack-primate

Note: there is no need to restart management server post-installation, and after installation the UI can be accessed on management-server-host:8080/client/primate using any modern browser.

Installation on Ubuntu

Users running CloudStack management server (4.13 or above) on Ubuntu can setup the following Primate tech-preview repository:

  1. apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BDF0E176584DF93F
  2. echo deb / > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudstack-primate-tech-preview.list

Next, install Primate:

  1. apt-get update
  2. apt-get install cloudstack-primate

Note: there is no need to restart management server post-installation, and after installation the UI can be accessed on management-server-host:8080/client/primate using any modern browser.

Using Archive

Primate archives are tarballs of single-page app builds. They can be simply downloaded and extracted to the management server webapp directory or hosted with a custom webserver.

Users can download the builds from

Using Docker

Users can use docker builds of the tech preview from

For example:

  1. docker pull apache/cloudstack-primate:tech-preview
  2. docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro apache/cloudstack-primate:tech-preview

Example nginx config:

  1. server {
  2. listen 80;
  3. server_name localhost;
  4. location / {
  5. root /usr/share/nginx/html;
  6. index index.html;
  7. }
  8. location /client/ {
  9. # should be replaced your CloudStack management
  10. # Server's actual URI
  11. proxy_pass;
  12. }
  13. }

Known Issues and Missing Features

  • Support for network service providers
  • Support for S3 based secondary storage
  • Full support for all Quota plugin views
  • Group actions for events, alerts and instances
  • Metrics view cell-colouring
  • Authorisation management for SAML users
  • Filter by feature for searching
  • Guest network LB support for SSL certificate
  • Not all translations are fully migrated from legacy UI to Primate.
  • Feature and enhancements added in 4.14 except CloudStack Kubernetes Service and Backup and Recovery

Please also refer to open issues on