
为了使下面的功能正常工作,服务器配置必须指定获取所有Yandex的路径和地址。梅特里卡字典. 字典在任何这些函数的第一次调用时加载。 如果无法加载引用列表,则会引发异常。

For information about creating reference lists, see the section «Dictionaries».



该 ‘clickhouse-server’ config指定具有区域层次结构的文件::<path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>/opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt</path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>

例如,它还会找到该文件 /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy_ua.txt,如果存在。

ua 被称为字典键。 对于没有后缀的字典,键是空字符串。

所有字典都在运行时重新加载(每隔一定数量的秒重新加载一次,如builtin_dictionaries_reload_interval config参数中定义,或默认情况下每小时一次)。 但是,可用字典列表在服务器启动时定义一次。

All functions for working with regions have an optional argument at the end – the dictionary key. It is referred to as the geobase.

  1. regionToCountry(RegionID) Uses the default dictionary: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt
  2. regionToCountry(RegionID, '') Uses the default dictionary: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt
  3. regionToCountry(RegionID, 'ua') Uses the dictionary for the 'ua' key: /opt/geo/regions_hierarchy_ua.txt


Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. If this region is a city or part of a city, it returns the region ID for the appropriate city. Otherwise, returns 0.


将区域转换为区域(地理数据库中的类型5)。 在所有其他方式,这个功能是一样的 ‘regionToCity’.

  1. SELECT DISTINCT regionToName(regionToArea(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))
  2. FROM system.numbers
  3. LIMIT 15
  1. ┌─regionToName(regionToArea(toUInt32(number), \'ua\'))─┐
  2. Moscow and Moscow region
  3. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
  4. Belgorod region
  5. Ivanovsk region
  6. Kaluga region
  7. Kostroma region
  8. Kursk region
  9. Lipetsk region
  10. Orlov region
  11. Ryazan region
  12. Smolensk region
  13. Tambov region
  14. Tver region
  15. Tula region
  16. └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


将区域转换为联邦区(地理数据库中的类型4)。 在所有其他方式,这个功能是一样的 ‘regionToCity’.

  1. SELECT DISTINCT regionToName(regionToDistrict(toUInt32(number), 'ua'))
  2. FROM system.numbers
  3. LIMIT 15
  1. ┌─regionToName(regionToDistrict(toUInt32(number), \'ua\'))─┐
  2. Central federal district
  3. Northwest federal district
  4. South federal district
  5. North Caucases federal district
  6. Privolga federal district
  7. Ural federal district
  8. Siberian federal district
  9. Far East federal district
  10. Scotland
  11. Faroe Islands
  12. Flemish region
  13. Brussels capital region
  14. Wallonia
  15. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  16. └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


将区域转换为国家。 在所有其他方式,这个功能是一样的 ‘regionToCity’.
示例: regionToCountry(toUInt32(213)) = 225 转换莫斯科(213)到俄罗斯(225)。


将区域转换为大陆。 在所有其他方式,这个功能是一样的 ‘regionToCity’.
示例: regionToContinent(toUInt32(213)) = 10001 将莫斯科(213)转换为欧亚大陆(10001)。


The population can be recorded in files with the geobase. See the section «External dictionaries».


检查是否 ‘lhs’ 属于一个区域 ‘rhs’ 区域。 如果属于UInt8,则返回等于1的数字,如果不属于则返回0。
The relationship is reflexive – any region also belongs to itself.


Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. Returns an array of region IDs consisting of the passed region and all parents along the chain.
示例: regionHierarchy(toUInt32(213)) = [213,1,3,225,10001,10000].


Accepts a UInt32 number – the region ID from the Yandex geobase. A string with the name of the language can be passed as a second argument. Supported languages are: ru, en, ua, uk, by, kz, tr. If the second argument is omitted, the language ‘ru’ is used. If the language is not supported, an exception is thrown. Returns a string – the name of the region in the corresponding language. If the region with the specified ID doesn’t exist, an empty string is returned.

uauk 都意味着乌克兰。
