
The table does not exist if ZooKeeper is not configured. Allows reading data from the ZooKeeper cluster defined in the config.
The query must have a ‘path’ equality condition in the WHERE clause. This is the path in ZooKeeper for the children that you want to get data for.

The query SELECT * FROM system.zookeeper WHERE path = '/clickhouse' outputs data for all children on the /clickhouse node.
To output data for all root nodes, write path = ‘/’.
If the path specified in ‘path’ doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown.


  • name (String) — The name of the node.
  • path (String) — The path to the node.
  • value (String) — Node value.
  • dataLength (Int32) — Size of the value.
  • numChildren (Int32) — Number of descendants.
  • czxid (Int64) — ID of the transaction that created the node.
  • mzxid (Int64) — ID of the transaction that last changed the node.
  • pzxid (Int64) — ID of the transaction that last deleted or added descendants.
  • ctime (DateTime) — Time of node creation.
  • mtime (DateTime) — Time of the last modification of the node.
  • version (Int32) — Node version: the number of times the node was changed.
  • cversion (Int32) — Number of added or removed descendants.
  • aversion (Int32) — Number of changes to the ACL.
  • ephemeralOwner (Int64) — For ephemeral nodes, the ID of the session that owns this node.


  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM system.zookeeper
  3. WHERE path = '/clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas'
  4. FORMAT Vertical
  1. Row 1:
  2. ──────
  3. name:
  4. value:
  5. czxid: 932998691229
  6. mzxid: 932998691229
  7. ctime: 2015-03-27 16:49:51
  8. mtime: 2015-03-27 16:49:51
  9. version: 0
  10. cversion: 47
  11. aversion: 0
  12. ephemeralOwner: 0
  13. dataLength: 0
  14. numChildren: 7
  15. pzxid: 987021031383
  16. path: /clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas
  17. Row 2:
  18. ──────
  19. name:
  20. value:
  21. czxid: 933002738135
  22. mzxid: 933002738135
  23. ctime: 2015-03-27 16:57:01
  24. mtime: 2015-03-27 16:57:01
  25. version: 0
  26. cversion: 37
  27. aversion: 0
  28. ephemeralOwner: 0
  29. dataLength: 0
  30. numChildren: 7
  31. pzxid: 987021252247
  32. path: /clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas

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