std: Pointer Types

CIS 198 Lecture 6

Reference: TRPL 5.8

&T and &mut T

  • Your basic, economy-class references.
  • Zero runtime cost; all checks are done at compile time.
  • Not allowed to outlive their associated lifetime.
    • Can introduce serious lifetime complexity if you’re not careful!
  • Use these unless you actually need something more complicated.


  • A Box<T> is one of Rust’s ways of allocating data on the heap.
  • A Box<T> owns a T, so its pointer is unique - it can’t be aliased (only referenced).
  • Boxes are automatically freed when they go out of scope.
  • Almost the same as unboxed values, but dynamically allocated.
  • Create a Box with Box::new().
  1. let boxed_five = Box::new(5);


  • Pros:
    • Easiest way to put something on the heap.
    • Zero-cost abstraction for dynamic allocation.
    • Shares typical borrowing and move semantics.
    • Automatic destruction.
  • Cons (ish):
    • The T is strictly owned by the Box - only one owner.
      • This means the particular variable holding the box can’t go away until all references are gone - sometimes this won’t work out!

Aside: Box Syntax & Patterns

  • In homework 2 & 3, you may have noticed patterns like this:
  1. let opt_box: Option<Box<i32>> = Some(Box::new(5));
  2. match opt_box {
  3. Some(boxed) => {
  4. let unboxed = *boxed;
  5. println!("Some {}", unboxed);
  6. }
  7. None => println!("None :("),
  8. }

Aside: Box Syntax & Patterns

  • It’s currently not possible to destructure the Box inside the Option. :(
  • In Nightly Rust, it is, thanks to box syntax!
  1. #![feature(box_syntax, box_patterns)]
  2. let opt_box = Some(box 5);
  3. match opt_box {
  4. Some(box unboxed) => println!("Some {}", unboxed),
  5. None => println!("None :("),
  6. }
  • This may change before it reaches Stable.


  • Want to share a pointer with your friends? Use an Rc<T>!
  • A “Reference Counted” pointer.
    • Keeps track of how many aliases exist for the pointer.
  • Call clone() on an Rc to get a reference.
    • Increments its reference count.
    • No data gets copied!
  • When the ref count drops to 0, the value is freed.
  • The T can only be mutated when the reference count is 1 😕.
    • Same as the borrowing rules - there must be only one owner.
  1. let mut shared = Rc::new(6);
  2. {
  3. println!("{:?}", Rc::get_mut(&mut shared)); // ==> Some(6)
  4. }
  5. let mut cloned = shared.clone(); // ==> Another reference to same data
  6. {
  7. println!("{:?}", Rc::get_mut(&mut shared)); // ==> None
  8. println!("{:?}", Rc::get_mut(&mut cloned)); // ==> None
  9. }


  • Reference counting has weaknesses: if a cycle is created:
    • A has an Rc to B, B has an Rc to A - both have count = 1.
    • They’ll never be freed! Eternal imprisonment a memory leak!
  • This can be avoided with weak references.
    • These don’t increment the strong reference count.
    • But that means they aren’t always valid!
  • An Rc can be downgraded into a Weak using Rc::downgrade().
    • To access it, turn it back into Rc: weak.upgrade() -> Option<Rc<T>>
    • Nothing else can be done with Weak - upgrading prevents the value from becoming invalid mid-use.

Strong Pointers vs. Weak Pointers

  • When do you use an Rc vs. a Weak?
    • Generally, you probably want a strong reference via Rc.
  • If your ownership semantics need to convey a notion of possible access to data but no ownership, you might want to use a Weak.
    • Such a structure would also need to be okay with the Weak coming up as None when upgraded.
  • Any structure with reference cycles may also need Weak, to avoid the leak.
    • Note: Rc cycles are difficult to create in Rust, because of mutability rules.


  • Pros:
    • Allows sharing ownership of data.
  • Cons:
    • Has a (small) runtime cost.
      • Holds two reference counts (strong and weak).
      • Must update and check reference counts dynamically.
    • Reference cycles can leak memory. This can only be resolved by:
      • Avoiding creating dangling cycles.
      • Garbage collection (which Rust doesn’t have).


  • A way to wrap data to allow interior mutability.
  • An immutable reference allows modifying the contained value!
  • There are two types of cell: Cell<T> and RefCell<T>.
  1. struct Foo {
  2. x: Cell<i32>,
  3. y: RefCell<u32>,
  4. }


  • A wrapper type providing interior mutability for Copy types.
    • Cell<T>s cannot contain references.
  • Get values from a Cell with get().
  • Update the value inside a Cell with set().
    • Can’t mutate the T, only replace it.
  • Generally pretty limited, but safe & cheap.
  1. let c = Cell::new(10);
  2. c.set(20);
  3. println!("{}", c.get()); // 20


  • Pros:
    • Interior mutability.
    • No runtime cost!
    • Small allocation cost.
  • Cons:
    • Very limited - only works on Copy types.


  • A wrapper type providing interior mutability for any type.
  • Uses dynamic borrow checking rules (performed at runtime).
    • This may cause a panic at runtime.
  • Borrow inner data via borrow() or borrow_mut().
    • These may panic if the RefCell is already borrowed!
  1. use std::cell::RefCell;
  2. let refc = RefCell::new(vec![12]);
  3. let mut inner = refc.borrow_mut();
  4. inner.push(24);
  5. println!("{:?}", *inner); // [12, 24]
  6. let inner2 = refc.borrow();
  7. // ==> Panics since refc is already borrow_mut'd!


  • A common paradigm is putting a RefCell inside an Rc to allow shared mutability.
  • Not thread-safe! borrow() et al don’t prevent race conditions.
  • There is no way (in stable Rust) to check if a borrow will panic before executing it.
    • borrow_state(&self) is an unstable way to do this.


  • Pros:
    • Interior mutability for any type.
  • Cons:
    • Stores an additional borrow state variable.
    • Must check borrow state to dynamically allow borrows.
    • May panic at runtime.
    • Not thread-safe.

std::cell::Ref<T> & RefMut<T>

  • When you invoke borrow() on a RefCell<T>, you actually get Ref<T>, not &T.
    • Similarly, borrow_mut() gives you a RefMut<T>.
  • These are pretty simple wrapper over &T, but define some extra methods.
    • Sadly, all of them are unstable pending the cell_extras feature 😞.

*const T & *mut T

  • C-like raw pointers: they just point… somewhere in memory.
  • No ownership rules.
  • No lifetime rules.
  • Zero-cost abstraction… because there is no abstraction.
  • Requires unsafe to be dereferenced.
    • May eat your laundry if you’re not careful.
  • Use these if you’re building a low-level structure like Vec<T>, but not in typical code.
    • Can be useful for manually avoiding runtime costs.
  • We won’t get to unsafe Rust for a while, but for now:
    • Unsafe Rust is basically C with Rust syntax.
    • Unsafe means having to manually maintain Rust’s assumptions (borrowing, non-nullability, non-undefined memory, etc.)