
ConfigMap Options

In the ConfigMap there are several options that can be configured according to your preferences:

  • debug - Sets to run Cilium in full debug mode, which enables verbose logging and configures eBPF programs to emit more visibility events into the output of cilium monitor.
  • enable-ipv4 - Enable IPv4 addressing support
  • enable-ipv6 - Enable IPv6 addressing support
  • clean-cilium-bpf-state - Removes all eBPF state from the filesystem on startup. Endpoints will be restored with the same IP addresses, but ongoing connections may be briefly disrupted and loadbalancing decisions will be lost, so active connections via the loadbalancer will break. All eBPF state will be reconstructed from their original sources (for example, from kubernetes or the kvstore). This may be used to mitigate serious issues regarding eBPF maps. This option should be turned off again after restarting the daemon.
  • clean-cilium-state - Removes all Cilium state, including unrecoverable information such as all endpoint state, as well as recoverable state such as eBPF state pinned to the filesystem, CNI configuration files, library code, links, routes, and other information. This operation is irreversible. Existing endpoints currently managed by Cilium may continue to operate as before, but Cilium will no longer manage them and they may stop working without warning. After using this operation, endpoints must be deleted and reconnected to allow the new instance of Cilium to manage them.
  • monitor-aggregation - This option enables coalescing of tracing events in cilium monitor to only include periodic updates from active flows, or any packets that involve an L4 connection state change. Valid options are none, low, medium, maximum.
  • preallocate-bpf-maps - Pre-allocation of map entries allows per-packet latency to be reduced, at the expense of up-front memory allocation for the entries in the maps. Set to true to optimize for latency. If this value is modified, then during the next Cilium startup connectivity may be temporarily disrupted for endpoints with active connections.

Any changes that you perform in the Cilium ConfigMap and in cilium-etcd-secrets Secret will require you to restart any existing Cilium pods in order for them to pick the latest configuration.


When updating keys or values in the ConfigMap, the changes might take up to 2 minutes to be propagated to all nodes running in the cluster. For more information see the official Kubernetes docs: Mounted ConfigMaps are updated automatically

The following ConfigMap is an example where the etcd cluster is running in 2 nodes, node-1 and node-2 with TLS, and client to server authentication enabled.

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: ConfigMap
  3. metadata:
  4. name: cilium-config
  5. namespace: kube-system
  6. data:
  7. # The kvstore configuration is used to enable use of a kvstore for state
  8. # storage. This can either be provided with an external kvstore or with the
  9. # help of cilium-etcd-operator which operates an etcd cluster automatically.
  10. kvstore: etcd
  11. kvstore-opt: '{"etcd.config": "/var/lib/etcd-config/etcd.config"}'
  12. # This etcd-config contains the etcd endpoints of your cluster. If you use
  13. # TLS please make sure you follow the tutorial in
  14. etcd-config: |-
  15. ---
  16. endpoints:
  17. - https://node-1:31079
  18. - https://node-2:31079
  19. #
  20. # In case you want to use TLS in etcd, uncomment the 'trusted-ca-file' line
  21. # and create a kubernetes secret by following the tutorial in
  22. #
  23. trusted-ca-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client-ca.crt'
  24. #
  25. # In case you want client to server authentication, uncomment the following
  26. # lines and create a kubernetes secret by following the tutorial in
  27. #
  28. key-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.key'
  29. cert-file: '/var/lib/etcd-secrets/etcd-client.crt'
  30. # If you want to run cilium in debug mode change this value to true
  31. debug: "false"
  32. enable-ipv4: "true"
  33. # If you want to clean cilium state; change this value to true
  34. clean-cilium-state: "false"


CNI - Container Network Interface is the plugin layer used by Kubernetes to delegate networking configuration. You can find additional information on the CNI project website.


Kubernetes `` >= 1.3.5`` requires the loopback CNI plugin to be installed on all worker nodes. The binary is typically provided by most Kubernetes distributions. See section Manually installing CNI for instructions on how to install CNI in case the loopback binary is not already installed on your worker nodes.

CNI configuration is automatically being taken care of when deploying Cilium via the provided DaemonSet. The script is automatically run via the postStart mechanism when the cilium pod is started.


In order for the script to work properly, the kubelet task must either be running on the host filesystem of the worker node, or the /etc/cni/net.d and /opt/cni/bin directories must be mounted into the container where kubelet is running. This can be achieved with Volumes mounts.

The CNI auto installation is performed as follows:

  1. The /etc/cni/net.d and /opt/cni/bin directories are mounted from the host filesystem into the pod where Cilium is running.
  2. The file /etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf is written in case it does not exist yet.
  3. The binary cilium-cni is installed to /opt/cni/bin. Any existing binary with the name cilium-cni is overwritten.

Manually installing CNI

This step is typically already included in all Kubernetes distributions or Kubernetes installers but can be performed manually:

  1. sudo mkdir -p /opt/cni
  2. wget
  3. sudo tar -xvf cni-0799f5732f2a11b329d9e3d51b9c8f2e3759f2ff.tar.gz -C /opt/cni
  4. rm cni-0799f5732f2a11b329d9e3d51b9c8f2e3759f2ff.tar.gz

Adjusting CNI configuration

The CNI configuration file is automatically written and maintained by the scripts and which are running as postStart and preStop hooks of the Cilium pod.

If you want to provide your own custom CNI configuration file, set the CILIUM_CUSTOM_CNI_CONF environment variable to avoid overwriting the configuration file by adding the following to the env: section of the cilium DaemonSet:

  2. value: "true"

The CNI installation can be configured with environment variables. These environment variables can be specified in the DaemonSet file like this:

  1. env:
  2. - name: "CNI_CONF_NAME"
  3. value: "05-cilium.conf"

The following variables are supported:

HOST_PREFIXPath prefix of all host mounts/host
CNI_DIRPath to mounted CNI directory${HOST_PREFIX}/opt/cni
CNI_CONF_NAMEName of configuration file05-cilium.conf

If you want to further adjust the CNI configuration you may do so by creating the CNI configuration /etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf manually:

  1. sudo mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d
  2. sudo sh -c 'echo "{
  3. "name": "cilium",
  4. "type": "cilium-cni"
  5. }
  6. " > /etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf'

Cilium will use any existing /etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf file if it already exists on a worker node and only creates it if it does not exist yet.

CRD Validation

Custom Resource Validation was introduced in Kubernetes since version 1.8.0. This is still considered an alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.8.0 and beta in Kubernetes 1.9.0.

Since Cilium v1.0.0-rc3, Cilium will create, or update in case it exists, the Cilium Network Policy (CNP) Resource Definition with the embedded validation schema. This allows the validation of CiliumNetworkPolicy to be done on the kube-apiserver when the policy is imported with an ability to provide direct feedback when importing the resource.

To enable this feature, the flag --feature-gates=CustomResourceValidation=true must be set when starting kube-apiserver. Cilium itself will automatically make use of this feature and no additional flag is required.


In case there is an invalid CNP before updating to Cilium v1.0.0-rc3, which contains the validator, the kube-apiserver validator will prevent Cilium from updating that invalid CNP with Cilium node status. By checking Cilium logs for unable to update CNP, retrying..., it is possible to determine which Cilium Network Policies are considered invalid after updating to Cilium v1.0.0-rc3.

To verify that the CNP resource definition contains the validation schema, run the following command:

kubectl get crd -o json

  1. kubectl get crd -o json | grep -A 12 openAPIV3Schema
  2. "openAPIV3Schema": {
  3. "oneOf": [
  4. {
  5. "required": [
  6. "spec"
  7. ]
  8. },
  9. {
  10. "required": [
  11. "specs"
  12. ]
  13. }
  14. ],

In case the user writes a policy that does not conform to the schema, Kubernetes will return an error, e.g.:

  1. cat <<EOF > ./bad-cnp.yaml
  2. apiVersion: ""
  3. kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
  4. metadata:
  5. name: my-new-cilium-object
  6. spec:
  7. description: "Policy to test multiple rules in a single file"
  8. endpointSelector:
  9. matchLabels:
  10. app: details
  11. track: stable
  12. version: v1
  13. ingress:
  14. - fromEndpoints:
  15. - matchLabels:
  16. app: reviews
  17. track: stable
  18. version: v1
  19. toPorts:
  20. - ports:
  21. - port: '65536'
  22. protocol: TCP
  23. rules:
  24. http:
  25. - method: GET
  26. path: "/health"
  27. EOF
  28. kubectl create -f ./bad-cnp.yaml
  29. ...
  30. spec.ingress.toPorts.ports.port in body should match '^(6553[0-5]|655[0-2][0-9]|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|[0-9]{1,4})$'

In this case, the policy has a port out of the 0-65535 range.

Mounting BPFFS with systemd

Due to how systemd mounts filesystems, the mount point path must be reflected in the unit filename.

  1. cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/sys-fs-bpf.mount
  2. [Unit]
  3. Description=Cilium BPF mounts
  4. Documentation=
  5. DefaultDependencies=no
  8. [Mount]
  9. What=bpffs
  10. Where=/sys/fs/bpf
  11. Type=bpf
  12. Options=rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700
  13. [Install]
  15. EOF

Container Runtimes


If you want to use CRIO, generate the YAML using:


First, make sure you have Helm 3 installed. Helm 2 is no longer supported.

Setup Helm repository:

  1. helm repo add cilium


The helm --set containerRuntime.integration=crio might not be required for your setup. For more info see Common CRIO issues.

  1. helm install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.9.8 \
  2. --namespace kube-system \
  3. --set containerRuntime.integration=crio

Since CRI-O does not automatically detect that a new CNI plugin has been installed, you will need to restart the CRI-O daemon for it to pick up the Cilium CNI configuration.

First make sure cilium is running:

  1. kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide
  3. cilium-mqtdz 1/1 Running 0 3m minikube

After that you can restart CRI-O:

  1. minikube ssh -- sudo systemctl restart crio

Common CRIO issues

Some CRI-O environments automatically mount the bpf filesystem in the pods, which is something that Cilium avoids doing when --set containerRuntime.integration=crio is set. However, some CRI-O environments do not mount the bpf filesystem automatically which causes Cilium to print the follow message:

  1. level=warning msg="BPF system config check: NOT OK." error="CONFIG_BPF kernel parameter is required" subsys=linux-datapath
  2. level=warning msg="================================= WARNING ==========================================" subsys=bpf
  3. level=warning msg="BPF filesystem is not mounted. This will lead to network disruption when Cilium pods" subsys=bpf
  4. level=warning msg="are restarted. Ensure that the BPF filesystem is mounted in the host." subsys=bpf
  5. level=warning msg="" subsys=bpf
  6. level=warning msg="====================================================================================" subsys=bpf
  7. level=info msg="Mounting BPF filesystem at /sys/fs/bpf" subsys=bpf

If you see this warning in the Cilium pod logs with your CRI-O environment, please remove the flag --set containerRuntime.integration=crio from your helm setup and redeploy Cilium.