Getting Started Using Istio
This document serves as an introduction to using Cilium Istio integration to enforce security policies in Kubernetes micro-services managed with Istio. It is a detailed walk-through of getting a single-node Cilium + Istio environment running on your machine.
Cilium’s Istio integration allows Cilium to enforce HTTP L7 network policies within the Istio sidecar proxies. Note that Istio can also be deployed without Cilium integration by running a standard version of istioctl
. In that case Cilium will enforce HTTP L7 policies outside of the Istio sidecar proxy.
If you haven’t read the Introduction to Cilium & Hubble yet, we’d encourage you to do that first.
The best way to get help if you get stuck is to ask a question on the Cilium Slack channel. With Cilium contributors across the globe, there is almost always someone available to help.
Setup Cilium
If you have not set up Cilium yet, pick any installation method as described in section Installation to set up Cilium for your Kubernetes environment. If in doubt, pick Getting Started Using Minikube as the simplest way to set up a Kubernetes cluster with Cilium:
minikube start --network-plugin=cni --memory=4096
minikube ssh -- sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
kubectl create -f
If running on minikube, make sure it is using a VM, as Istio ingress gateway may not be reachable from your host otherwise. You may also need to up the memory and CPUs available to the minikube VM from the defaults and/or the instructions provided here for the other GSGs. 5 GB and 4 CPUs should be enough for this GSG (--vm=true --memory=5120 --cpus=4
Step 2: Install cilium-istioctl
Make sure that Cilium is running in your cluster before proceeding.
Download the cilium enhanced istioctl version 1.6.14:
curl -L | tar xz
curl -L | tar xz
Cilium integration, as presented in this Getting Started Guide, has been tested with Kubernetes releases 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, and 1.20. Note that this does not work with K8s 1.13.
Deploy the default Istio configuration profile onto Kubernetes:
./cilium-istioctl manifest apply -y
Add a namespace label to instruct Istio to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies when you deploy your application later:
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
Step 3: Deploy the Bookinfo Application V1
Now that we have Cilium and Istio deployed, we can deploy version v1
of the services of the Istio Bookinfo sample application.
While the upstream Istio Bookinfo Application example for Kubernetes deploys multiple versions of the Bookinfo application at the same time, here we first deploy only the version 1.
The BookInfo application is broken into four separate microservices:
- productpage. The productpage microservice calls the details and reviews microservices to populate the page.
- details. The details microservice contains book information.
- reviews. The reviews microservice contains book reviews. It also calls the ratings microservice.
- ratings. The ratings microservice contains book ranking information that accompanies a book review.
In this demo, each specific version of each microservice is deployed into Kubernetes using separate YAML files which define:
- A Kubernetes Service.
- A Kubernetes Deployment specifying the microservice’s pods, specific to each service version.
- A Cilium Network Policy limiting the traffic to the microservice, specific to each service version.
To deploy the application with manual sidecar injection, run:
for service in productpage-service productpage-v1 details-v1 reviews-v1; do \
kubectl apply -f${service}.yaml ; done
Check the progress of the deployment (every service should have an AVAILABLE
count of 1
watch "kubectl get deployments"
details-v1 1/1 1 1 12s
productpage-v1 1/1 1 1 13s
reviews-v1 1/1 1 1 12s
Create an Istio ingress gateway for the productpage service:
kubectl apply -f
To obtain the URL to the frontend productpage service, run:
export GATEWAY_URL=http://$(minikube ip):$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}')
export PRODUCTPAGE_URL=${GATEWAY_URL}/productpage
Open that URL in your web browser and check that the application has been successfully deployed. It may take several seconds before all services become accessible in the Istio service mesh, so you may have have to reload the page.
Step 4: Canary and Deploy the Reviews Service V2
We will now deploy version v2
of the reviews
service. In addition to providing reviews from readers, reviews v2
queries a new ratings
service for book ratings, and displays each rating as 1 to 5 black stars.
As a precaution, we will use Istio’s service routing feature to canary the v2
deployment to prevent breaking the end-to-end application completely if it is faulty.
Before deploying v2
, to prevent any traffic from being routed to it for now, we will create this Istio route rules to route 100% of the reviews
traffic to v1
kind: VirtualService
name: reviews
- reviews
- route:
- destination:
host: reviews
subset: v1
weight: 100
kind: DestinationRule
name: reviews
host: reviews
- name: v1
version: v1
- name: v2
version: v2
Apply this route rule:
kubectl apply -f
Deploy the ratings v1
and reviews v2
for service in ratings-v1 reviews-v2; do \
kubectl apply -f${service}.yaml ; done
Check the progress of the deployment (every service should have an AVAILABLE
count of 1
watch "kubectl get deployments"
details-v1 1/1 1 1 17m
productpage-v1 1/1 1 1 17m
ratings-v1 1/1 1 1 69s
reviews-v1 1/1 1 1 17m
reviews-v2 1/1 1 1 68s
Check in your web browser that no stars are appearing in the Book Reviews, even after refreshing the page several times. This indicates that all reviews are retrieved from reviews v1
and none from reviews v2
The ratings-v1
CiliumNetworkPolicy explicitly whitelists access to the ratings
API only from productpage
and reviews v2
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: ratings-v1
namespace: default
- endpointSelector:
"k8s:app": ratings
"k8s:version": v1
- fromEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
"k8s:app": productpage
"k8s:version": v1
- ports:
- port: "9080"
protocol: TCP
- method: GET
path: "/ratings/[0-9]*"
- fromEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
"k8s:app": reviews
"k8s:version": v2
- ports:
- port: "9080"
protocol: TCP
- method: GET
path: "/ratings/[0-9]*"
Check that reviews v1
may not be able to access the ratings
service, even if it were compromised or suffered from a bug, by running curl
from within the pod:
All traffic from reviews v1
to ratings
is blocked, so the connection attempt fails after the connection timeout.
export POD_REVIEWS_V1=`kubectl get pods -l app=reviews,version=v1 -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
kubectl exec ${POD_REVIEWS_V1} -c istio-proxy -ti -- curl --connect-timeout 5 --fail http://ratings:9080/ratings/0
curl: (28) Connection timed out after 5001 milliseconds
command terminated with exit code 28
Update the Istio route rule to send 50% of reviews
traffic to v1
and 50% to v2
kind: VirtualService
name: reviews
- reviews
- route:
- destination:
host: reviews
subset: v1
weight: 50
- destination:
host: reviews
subset: v2
weight: 50
Apply this route rule:
kubectl apply -f
Check in your web browser that stars are appearing in the Book Reviews roughly 50% of the time. This may require refreshing the page for a few seconds to observe. Queries to reviews v2
result in reviews containing ratings displayed as black stars:
Finally, update the route rule to send 100% of reviews
traffic to v2
kind: VirtualService
name: reviews
- reviews
- route:
- destination:
host: reviews
subset: v2
weight: 100
Apply this route rule:
kubectl apply -f
Refresh the product page in your web browser several times to verify that stars are now appearing in the Book Reviews on every page refresh. All the reviews are now retrieved from reviews v2
and none from reviews v1
Step 5: Deploy the Product Page Service V2
We will now deploy version v2
of the productpage
service, which brings two changes:
- It is deployed with a more restrictive CiliumNetworkPolicy, which restricts access to a subset of the HTTP URLs, at Layer-7.
- It implements a new authentication audit log into Kafka.
The policy for v1
currently allows read access to the full HTTP REST API, under the /api/v1
HTTP URI path:
: Returns the list of books and their details./api/v1/products/<id>
: Returns details about a specific book./api/v1/products/<id>/reviews
: Returns reviews for a specific book./api/v1/products/<id>/ratings
: Returns ratings for a specific book.
Check that the full REST API is currently accessible in v1
and returns valid JSON data:
for APIPATH in /api/v1/products /api/v1/products/0 /api/v1/products/0/reviews /api/v1/products/0/ratings; do echo ; curl -s -S "${GATEWAY_URL}${APIPATH}" ; echo ; done
The output will be similar to this:
[{"descriptionHtml": "<a href=\"\">Wikipedia Summary</a>: The Comedy of Errors is one of <b>William Shakespeare's</b> early plays. It is his shortest and one of his most farcical comedies, with a major part of the humour coming from slapstick and mistaken identity, in addition to puns and word play.", "id": 0, "title": "The Comedy of Errors"}]
{"publisher": "PublisherA", "language": "English", "author": "William Shakespeare", "id": 0, "ISBN-10": "1234567890", "ISBN-13": "123-1234567890", "year": 1595, "type": "paperback", "pages": 200}
{"reviews": [{"reviewer": "Reviewer1", "rating": {"color": "black", "stars": 5}, "text": "An extremely entertaining play by Shakespeare. The slapstick humour is refreshing!"}, {"reviewer": "Reviewer2", "rating": {"color": "black", "stars": 4}, "text": "Absolutely fun and entertaining. The play lacks thematic depth when compared to other plays by Shakespeare."}], "id": "0"}
{"ratings": {"Reviewer2": 4, "Reviewer1": 5}, "id": 0}
We realized that the REST API to get the book reviews and ratings was meant only for consumption by other internal services, and will be blocked from external clients using the updated Layer-7 CiliumNetworkPolicy in productpage v2
, i.e. only the /api/v1/products
and /api/v1/products/<id>
HTTP URLs will be whitelisted:
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: productpage-v2
namespace: default
- endpointSelector:
"k8s:app": productpage
"k8s:version": v2
- toPorts:
- ports:
- port: "9080"
protocol: TCP
- method: GET
path: "/"
- method: GET
path: "/index.html"
- method: POST
path: "/login"
- method: GET
path: "/logout"
- method: GET
path: "/productpage"
- method: GET
path: "/api/v1/products"
- method: GET
path: "/api/v1/products/[0-9]*"
# - method: GET
# path: "/api/v1/products/[0-9]*/reviews"
# - method: GET
# path: "/api/v1/products/[0-9]*/ratings"
Because productpage v2
sends messages into Kafka, we must first deploy a Kafka broker:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Wait until the kafka-v1-0
pod is ready, i.e. until it has a READY
count of 1/1
watch "kubectl get pods -l app=kafka"
kafka-v1-0 1/1 Running 0 21m
Create the authaudit
Kafka topic, which will be used by productpage v2
kubectl exec kafka-v1-0 -c kafka -- bash -c '/opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --create --topic authaudit --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1'
We are now ready to deploy productpage v2
Create the productpage v2
service and its updated CiliumNetworkPolicy and delete productpage v1
kubectl apply -f
kubectl delete -f
productpage v2
implements an authorization audit logging. On every user login or logout, it produces into Kafka topic authaudit
a JSON-formatted message which contains the following information:
- event:
- username
- client IP address
- timestamp
To observe the Kafka messages sent by productpage
, we will run an additional authaudit-logger
service. This service fetches and prints out all messages from the authaudit
Kafka topic. Start this service:
kubectl apply -f
Check the progress of the deployment (every service should have an AVAILABLE
count of 1
watch "kubectl get deployments"
authaudit-logger-v1 1/1 1 1 41s
details-v1 1/1 1 1 37m
productpage-v2 1/1 1 1 4m47s
ratings-v1 1/1 1 1 20m
reviews-v1 1/1 1 1 37m
reviews-v2 1/1 1 1 20m
Check that the product REST API is still accessible, and that Cilium now denies at Layer-7 any access to the reviews and ratings REST API:
for APIPATH in /api/v1/products /api/v1/products/0 /api/v1/products/0/reviews /api/v1/products/0/ratings; do echo ; curl -s -S "${GATEWAY_URL}${APIPATH}" ; echo ; done
The output will be similar to this:
[{"descriptionHtml": "<a href=\"\">Wikipedia Summary</a>: The Comedy of Errors is one of <b>William Shakespeare's</b> early plays. It is his shortest and one of his most farcical comedies, with a major part of the humour coming from slapstick and mistaken identity, in addition to puns and word play.", "id": 0, "title": "The Comedy of Errors"}]
{"publisher": "PublisherA", "language": "English", "author": "William Shakespeare", "id": 0, "ISBN-10": "1234567890", "ISBN-13": "123-1234567890", "year": 1595, "type": "paperback", "pages": 200}
Access denied
Access denied
This demonstrated that requests to the /api/v1/products/<id>/reviews
and /api/v1/products/<id>/ratings
URIs now result in Cilium returning HTTP 403 Forbidden
HTTP responses.
Every login and logout on the product page will result in a line in this service’s log. Note that you need to log in/out using the sign in
/sign out
element on the bookinfo web page. When you do, you can observe these kind of audit logs:
export POD_LOGGER_V1=`kubectl get pods -l app=authaudit-logger,version=v1 -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
kubectl logs ${POD_LOGGER_V1} -c authaudit-logger
{"timestamp": "2017-12-04T09:34:24.341668", "remote_addr": "", "event": "login", "user": "richard"}
{"timestamp": "2017-12-04T09:34:40.943772", "remote_addr": "", "event": "logout", "user": "richard"}
{"timestamp": "2017-12-04T09:35:03.096497", "remote_addr": "", "event": "login", "user": "gilfoyle"}
{"timestamp": "2017-12-04T09:35:08.777389", "remote_addr": "", "event": "logout", "user": "gilfoyle"}
As you can see, the user-identifiable information sent by productpage
in every Kafka message is sensitive, so access to this Kafka topic must be protected using Cilium. The CiliumNetworkPolicy configured on the Kafka broker enforces that:
- only
productpage v2
is allowed to produce messages into theauthaudit
topic; - only
can fetch messages from this topic; - no service can access any other topic.
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
name: kafka-authaudit
- endpointSelector:
"k8s:app": kafka
- fromEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
"k8s:app": productpage
"k8s:version": v2
- ports:
- port: "9092"
protocol: TCP
- apiKey: "produce"
topic: "authaudit"
- apiKey: "apiversions"
- apiKey: "metadata"
- apiKey: "heartbeat"
- fromEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
app: kafka
- fromEndpoints:
- matchLabels:
"k8s:app": authaudit-logger
- ports:
- port: "9092"
protocol: TCP
- apiKey: "fetch"
topic: "authaudit"
- apiKey: "apiversions"
- apiKey: "metadata"
- apiKey: "findcoordinator"
- apiKey: "joingroup"
- apiKey: "leavegroup"
- apiKey: "syncgroup"
- apiKey: "offsets"
- apiKey: "offsetcommit"
- apiKey: "offsetfetch"
- apiKey: "heartbeat"
Check that Cilium prevents the authaudit-logger
service from writing into the authaudit
topic (enter a message followed by ENTER, e.g. test message
Note that the error message may take a short time to appear.
You can terminate the command with a single <CTRL>-d
kubectl exec ${POD_LOGGER_V1} -c authaudit-logger -ti -- /opt/kafka_2.11- --broker-list=kafka:9092 --topic=authaudit
test message
[2017-12-07 02:13:47,020] ERROR Error when sending message to topic authaudit with key: null, value: 12 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException: Not authorized to access topics: [authaudit]
This demonstrated that Cilium sent a response with an authorization error for any Produce
request from this service.
Create another topic named credit-card-payments
, meant to transmit highly-sensitive credit card payment requests:
kubectl exec kafka-v1-0 -c kafka -- bash -c '/opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181/kafka --create --topic credit-card-payments --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1'
Check that Cilium prevents the authaudit-logger
service from fetching messages from this topic:
kubectl exec ${POD_LOGGER_V1} -c authaudit-logger -ti -- /opt/kafka_2.11- --bootstrap-server=kafka:9092 --topic=credit-card-payments
[2017-12-07 03:08:54,513] WARN Not authorized to read from topic credit-card-payments. (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
[2017-12-07 03:08:54,517] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process: ($)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException: Not authorized to access topics: [credit-card-payments]
Processed a total of 0 messages
This demonstrated that Cilium sent a response with an authorization error for any Fetch
request from this service for any topic other than authaudit
At present, the above command may also result in an error message.
Step 6: Clean Up
You have now installed Cilium and Istio, deployed a demo app, and tested both Cilium’s L3-L7 network security policies and Istio’s service route rules. To clean up, run:
minikube delete
After this, you can re-run the tutorial from Step 0.