cilium monitor

Display BPF program events


The monitor displays notifications and events emitted by the BPF programs attached to endpoints and devices. This includes:

  • Dropped packet notifications

  • Captured packet traces

  • Policy verdict notifications

  • Debugging information

  1. cilium monitor [flags]


  1. --from []uint16 Filter by source endpoint id
  2. -h, --help help for monitor
  3. --hex Do not dissect, print payload in HEX
  4. -j, --json Enable json output. Shadows -v flag
  5. --monitor-socket string Configure monitor socket path
  6. -n, --numeric Display all security identities as numeric values
  7. --related-to []uint16 Filter by either source or destination endpoint id
  8. --to []uint16 Filter by destination endpoint id
  9. -t, --type []string Filter by event types [agent capture debug drop l7 policy-verdict recorder trace]
  10. -v, --verbose bools[=false] Enable verbose output (-v, -vv) (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cilium.yaml)
  2. -D, --debug Enable debug messages
  3. -H, --host string URI to server-side API