cilium policy trace

Trace a policy decision


Verifies if the source is allowed to consume destination. Source / destination can be provided as endpoint ID, security ID, Kubernetes Pod, YAML file, set of LABELs. LABEL is represented as SOURCE:KEY[=VALUE]. dports can be can be for example: 80/tcp, 53 or 23/udp. If multiple sources and / or destinations are provided, each source is tested whether there is a policy allowing traffic between it and each destination. –src-k8s-pod and –dst-k8s-pod requires cilium-agent to be running with disable-endpoint-crd option set to “false”.

  1. cilium policy trace ( -s <label context> | --src-identity <security identity> | --src-endpoint <endpoint ID> | --src-k8s-pod <namespace:pod-name> | --src-k8s-yaml <path to YAML file> ) ( -d <label context> | --dst-identity <security identity> | --dst-endpoint <endpoint ID> | --dst-k8s-pod <namespace:pod-name> | --dst-k8s-yaml <path to YAML file>) [--dport <port>[/<protocol>] [flags]


  1. --dport strings L4 destination port to search on outgoing traffic of the source label context and on incoming traffic of the destination label context
  2. -d, --dst strings Destination label context
  3. --dst-endpoint string Destination endpoint
  4. --dst-identity int Destination identity (default -1)
  5. --dst-k8s-pod string Destination k8s pod ([namespace:]podname)
  6. --dst-k8s-yaml string Path to YAML file for destination
  7. -h, --help help for trace
  8. -o, --output string json| jsonpath='{}'
  9. -s, --src strings Source label context
  10. --src-endpoint string Source endpoint
  11. --src-identity int Source identity (default -1)
  12. --src-k8s-pod string Source k8s pod ([namespace:]podname)
  13. --src-k8s-yaml string Path to YAML file for source
  14. -v, --verbose Set tracing to TRACE_VERBOSE

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --config string config file (default is $HOME/.cilium.yaml)
  2. -D, --debug Enable debug messages
  3. -H, --host string URI to server-side API