ChromaDB Backups

Depending on your use case there are a few different ways to back up your ChromaDB data.

  • API export - this approach is relatively simple, slow for large datasets and may result in a backup that is missing some updates, should your data change frequently.
  • Disk snapshot - this approach is fast, but is highly dependent on the underlying storage. Should your cloud provider and underlying volume support snapshots, this is a good option.
  • Filesystem backup - this approach is also fast, but requires stopping your Chroma container to avoid data corruption. This is a good option if you can afford to stop your Chroma container for a few minutes.

Other Options

Have another option in mind, feel free to add it to the above list.

API Export

With Chroma Datapipes

One way to export via the API is to use Tooling like Chroma Data Pipes. Chroma Data Pipes is a command-line tool that provides a simple way import/export/transform ChromaDB data.

Exporting from local filesystem:

  1. cdp export "file:///absolute/path/to/chroma-data/my-collection-name" > my_chroma_data.jsonl

Exporting from remote server:

  1. cdp export "http://remote-chroma-server:8000/my-collection-name" > my_chroma_data.jsonl

Get Help

Read more about Chroma Data Pipes here

Disk Snapshot


Filesystem Backup

From Docker Container

Sometimes you have been running Chroma in a Docker container without a host mount, intentionally or unintentionally. So all your data is now stored in the container’s filesystem. Here’s how you can back up your data:

  1. Stop the container:
  1. docker stop <chroma-container-id/name>
  1. Create a backup of the container’s filesystem:
  1. docker cp <chroma-container-id/name>:/chroma/chroma /path/to/backup

/path/to/backup is the directory where you want to store the backup on your host machine.

March 5, 2024