
Deploy OSDs with different device technologies like lvm or physical disks usingpluggable tools (lvm itself is treated like a plugin) and trying tofollow a predictable, and robust way of preparing, activating, and starting OSDs.

Overview |Plugin Guide |

Command Line Subcommands

There is currently support for lvm, and plain disks (with GPT partitions)that may have been deployed with ceph-disk.

zfs support is available for running a FreeBSD cluster.

Node inventory

The inventory subcommand provides information and metadataabout a nodes physical disk inventory.


Starting on Ceph version 13.0.0, ceph-disk is deprecated. Deprecationwarnings will show up that will link to this page. It is strongly suggestedthat users start consuming ceph-volume. There are two paths for migrating:

  • Keep OSDs deployed with ceph-disk: The simple commandprovides a way to take over the management while disabling ceph-disktriggers.

  • Redeploy existing OSDs with ceph-volume: This is covered in depth onReplacing an OSD

For details on why ceph-disk was removed please see the Why wasceph-disk replaced? section.

New deployments

For new deployments, lvm is recommended, it can use anylogical volume as input for data OSDs, or it can setup a minimal/naive logicalvolume from a device.

Existing OSDs

If the cluster has OSDs that were provisioned with ceph-disk, thenceph-volume can take over the management of these withsimple. A scan is done on the data device or OSD directory,and ceph-disk is fully disabled. Encryption is fully supported.