Orchestrator CLI

This module provides a command line interface (CLI) to orchestratormodules (ceph-mgr modules which interface with external orchestration services).

As the orchestrator CLI unifies different external orchestrators, a common nomenclaturefor the orchestrator module is needed.

hosthostname (not DNS name) of thephysical host. Not the podname,container name, or hostname insidethe container.
service typeThe type of the service. e.g., nfs,mds, osd, mon, rgw, mgr, iscsi
serviceA logical service, Typicallycomprised of multiple serviceinstances on multiple hosts for HA-fs_name for mds type-rgw_zone for rgw type-ganesha_cluster_id for nfs type
service instanceA single instance of a service. Usually a daemon, but maybe not(e.g., might be a kernel servicelike LIO or knfsd or whatever)This identifier shoulduniquely identify the instance
daemonA running process on a host; use“service instance” instead

The relation between the names is the following:

  • a service belongs to a service type

  • a service instance belongs to a service type

  • a service instance belongs to a single service group


To enable the orchestrator, please select the orchestrator module to usewith the set backend command:

  1. ceph orchestrator set backend <module>

For example, to enable the Rook orchestrator module and use it with the CLI:

  1. ceph mgr module enable rook
  2. ceph orchestrator set backend rook

You can then check backend is properly configured:

  1. ceph orchestrator status

Disable the Orchestrator

To disable the orchestrator again, use the empty string "":

  1. ceph orchestrator set backend ""
  2. ceph mgr module disable rook



The orchestrator CLI is unfinished and work in progress. Some commands will notexist, or return a different result.


Orchestrator modules may only implement a subset of the commands listed below.Also, the implementation of the commands are orchestrator module dependent and willdiffer between implementations.


  1. ceph orchestrator status

Show current orchestrator mode and high-level status (whether the module ableto talk to it)

Also show any in-progress actions.

Host Management

List hosts associated with the cluster:

  1. ceph orchestrator host ls

Add and remove hosts:

  1. ceph orchestrator host add <host>
  2. ceph orchestrator host rm <host>

OSD Management

List Devices

Print a list of discovered devices, grouped by node and optionallyfiltered to a particular node:

  1. ceph orchestrator device ls [--host=...] [--refresh]


  1. # ceph orchestrator device ls
  2. Host
  3. Device Path Type Size Rotates Available Model
  4. /dev/sdb hdd 50.0G True True ATA/QEMU HARDDISK
  5. /dev/sda hdd 50.0G True False ATA/QEMU HARDDISK
  7. Host
  8. Device Path Type Size Rotates Available Model
  9. /dev/sdb hdd 50.0G True True ATA/QEMU HARDDISK
  10. /dev/sda hdd 50.0G True False ATA/QEMU HARDDISK


Output form Ansible orchestrator

Create OSDs

Create OSDs on a group of devices on a single host:

  1. ceph orchestrator osd create <host>:<drive>
  2. ceph orchestrator osd create -i <path-to-drive-group.json>

The output of osd create is not specified and may vary between orchestrator backends.

Where drive.group.json is a JSON file containing the fields defined inceph.deployment_utils.drive_group.DriveGroupSpec


  1. # ceph orchestrator osd create
  2. {"status": "OK", "msg": "", "data": {"event": "playbook_on_stats", "uuid": "7082f3ba-f5b7-4b7c-9477-e74ca918afcb", "stdout": "\r\nPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************\r\n192.168.121.206 : ok=96 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 \r\n", "counter": 932, "pid": 10294, "created": "2019-05-28T22:22:58.527821", "end_line": 1170, "runner_ident": "083cad3c-8197-11e9-b07a-2016b900e38f", "start_line": 1166, "event_data": {"ignored": 0, "skipped": {"": 186}, "ok": {"": 96}, "artifact_data": {}, "rescued": 0, "changed": {"": 3}, "pid": 10294, "dark": {}, "playbook_uuid": "409364a6-9d49-4e44-8b7b-c28e5b3adf89", "playbook": "add-osd.yml", "failures": {}, "processed": {"": 1}}, "parent_uuid": "409364a6-9d49-4e44-8b7b-c28e5b3adf89"}}


Output form Ansible orchestrator

Decommission an OSD

  1. ceph orchestrator osd rm <osd-id> [osd-id...]

Removes one or more OSDs from the cluster and the host, if the OSDs are marked asdestroyed.


  1. # ceph orchestrator osd rm 4
  2. {"status": "OK", "msg": "", "data": {"event": "playbook_on_stats", "uuid": "1a16e631-906d-48e0-9e24-fa7eb593cc0a", "stdout": "\r\nPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************\r\n192.168.121.158 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \r\n192.168.121.181 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \r\n192.168.121.206 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \r\nlocalhost : ok=31 changed=8 unreachable=0 failed=0 \r\n", "counter": 240, "pid": 10948, "created": "2019-05-28T22:26:09.264012", "end_line": 308, "runner_ident": "8c093db0-8197-11e9-b07a-2016b900e38f", "start_line": 301, "event_data": {"ignored": 0, "skipped": {"localhost": 37}, "ok": {"": 2, "": 2, "": 2, "localhost": 31}, "artifact_data": {}, "rescued": 0, "changed": {"localhost": 8}, "pid": 10948, "dark": {}, "playbook_uuid": "a12ec40e-bce9-4bc9-b09e-2d8f76a5be02", "playbook": "shrink-osd.yml", "failures": {}, "processed": {"": 1, "": 1, "": 1, "localhost": 1}}, "parent_uuid": "a12ec40e-bce9-4bc9-b09e-2d8f76a5be02"}}


Output form Ansible orchestrator

Monitor and manager management

Creates or removes MONs or MGRs from the cluster. Orchestrator may return anerror if it doesn’t know how to do this transition.

Update the number of monitor nodes:

  1. ceph orchestrator mon update <num> [host, host:network...]

Each host can optionally specify a network for the monitor to listen on.

Update the number of manager nodes:

  1. ceph orchestrator mgr update <num> [host...]

Service Status

Print a list of services known to the orchestrator. The list can be limited toservices on a particular host with the optional –host parameter and/orservices of a particular type via optional –type parameter(mon, osd, mgr, mds, rgw):

  1. ceph orchestrator service ls [--host host] [--svc_type type] [--refresh]

Discover the status of a particular service:

  1. ceph orchestrator service ls --svc_type type --svc_id <name> [--refresh]

Query the status of a particular service instance (mon, osd, mds, rgw). For OSDsthe id is the numeric OSD ID, for MDS services it is the file system name:

  1. ceph orchestrator service-instance status <type> <instance-name> [--refresh]

Stateless services (MDS/RGW/NFS/rbd-mirror/iSCSI)

The orchestrator is not responsible for configuring the services. Please look into the correspondingdocumentation for details.

The name parameter is an identifier of the group of instances:

  • a CephFS file system for a group of MDS daemons,

  • a zone name for a group of RGWs

Sizing: the size parameter gives the number of daemons in the cluster(e.g. the number of MDS daemons for a particular CephFS file system).

Creating/growing/shrinking/removing services:

  1. ceph orchestrator {mds,rgw} update <name> <size> [host…]
  2. ceph orchestrator {mds,rgw} add <name>
  3. ceph orchestrator nfs update <name> <size> [host…]
  4. ceph orchestrator nfs add <name> <pool> [--namespace=<namespace>]
  5. ceph orchestrator {mds,rgw,nfs} rm <name>

e.g., ceph orchestrator mds update myfs 3 host1 host2 host3


  1. ceph orchestrator service {stop,start,reload} <type> <name>
  3. ceph orchestrator service-instance {start,stop,reload} <type> <instance-name>

Current Implementation Status

This is an overview of the current implementation status of the orchestrators.

host add
host ls
host rm
mgr update
mon update
osd create
osd rm
device {ident,fault}-(on,off}
device ls
service ls
service-instance status
service-instance {stop,start,…}
iscsi add
iscsi rm
iscsi update
mds add
mds rm
mds update
nfs add
nfs rm
nfs update
rbd-mirror add
rbd-mirror rm
rbd-mirror update
rgw add
rgw rm
rgw update


  • ⚪ = not yet implemented

  • ❌ = not applicable

  • ✔ = implemented