The Camunda DMN engine supports the following FEEL data types.


Data Types - 图1

FEEL supports Strings. They must be encapsulated in double quotes. Theysupport only the equal comparison operator.

Numeric Types

Data Types - 图2

FEEL supports numeric types like integer. In the Camunda DMN engine thefollowing numeric types are available:


Data Types - 图3

FEEL supports the boolean value true and false. The boolean type onlysupports the equal comparison operator.


Data Types - 图4

FEEL supports date types. In the Camunda DMN engine the following date typesare available:

  • date and time
    To create a date and time value, the function date and time has to be usedwith a single String parameter. The parameter specifies the date and time inthe format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.

Date types support all comparison operators and ranges.
