This page gives you an overview of the BPMN 2.0 elements and the current coverage of the process engine.
BPMN - Business Process Model and Notation
If you are unfamiliar with BPMN 2.0, you might want to check out theBPMN Tutorial first.
The elements marked in orange are supported.
### Tasks
### Data
In BPMN there are start events, intermediate events and end events. These three event types can be catching events or throwing events. Intermediate events can be used as boundary events on tasks, in which case they can be interrupting or non-interrupting. This gives you a lot of flexibility to use events in your processes.
Understanding BPMN Events
To help understand the principle behavior of events in BPMN, we recommend to check theEvents: Basic Conceptschapter of the BPMN Modeling Reference.
||Normal|Event Subprocess|Event Subprocess non-interrupt |catch|boundary|boundary non-interrupt |throw|
|Multiple Parallel||||||||