Interactive Console (REPL)
The CakePHP app skeleton comes with a built in REPL(Read Eval Print Loop) thatmakes it easy to explore some CakePHP and your application in an interactiveconsole. You can start the interactive console using:
- bin/cake console
This will bootstrap your application and start an interactive console. At thispoint you can interact with your application code and execute queries using yourapplication’s models:
- bin/cake console
- >>> $articles = Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Articles');
- // object(Cake\ORM\Table)(
- //
- // )
- >>> $articles->find()->all();
Since your application has been bootstrapped you can also test routing using theREPL:
- >>> Cake\Routing\Router::parse('/articles/view/1');
- // [
- // 'controller' => 'Articles',
- // 'action' => 'view',
- // 'pass' => [
- // 0 => '1'
- // ],
- // 'plugin' => NULL
- // ]
You can also test generating URL’s:
- >>> Cake\Routing\Router::url(['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'edit', 99]);
- // '/articles/edit/99'
To quit the REPL you can use CTRL-C
or by typing exit