http.reauth Plugin

This feature does not come with Caddy by default. To get it, select the http.reauth plugin when you download Caddy.

A common basis for authenticating with various and multiple authentication systems. This came to be as we wanted to dynamically authenticate our docker registry against gitlab-ci and avoid storing credentials in gitlab while still permitting users to log in with their own credentials.

Full documentation



reauth { path /v2 simple username=password,root=badpractice upstream url= gitlab url= }

Authenticate access against /v2 with the following flow (in this order) 1 does the username and password match any of the given comma seperated credentials 2 basic http auth against 3 against a gitlab project with the gitlab-ci-token user (docker login -u "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" -p "$CI_BUILD_TOKEN")

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Plugin Website

Visit http.reauth’s website for more information:


Plugin Author: Freman

Last Updated: 13 Jul 2017, 10:52 PM

This plugin is independent of the Caddy project and is not endorsed or maintained by Caddy developers. Use at your own risk. Do not file issues for this plugin on Caddy’s bug tracker.