Supported PostgreSQL drivers

Supported drivers


Bun comes with its own PostgreSQL driver called pgdriverOverview - 图1open in new window that allows connecting to a PostgreSQL database using a DSN (connection string):

  1. import (
  2. ""
  3. ""
  4. ""
  5. )
  6. dsn := "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/test?sslmode=disable"
  7. // dsn := "unix://user:pass@dbname/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
  8. sqldb := sql.OpenDB(pgdriver.NewConnector(pgdriver.WithDSN(dsn)))
  9. db := bun.NewDB(sqldb, pgdialect.New())

You can specify the following options in a DSN:

  • ?sslmode=verify-full - enable TLS.
  • ?sslmode=disable - disables TLS.
  • ?dial_timeout=5s - timeout for establishing new connections.
  • ?read_timeout=5s - timeout for socket reads.
  • ?write_timeout=5s - timeout for socket writes.
  • ?timeout=5s - sets all three timeouts described above.
  • ?application_name=myapp - PostgreSQL application name.

pgdriver treats all unknown options as PostgreSQL configuration parameters, for example, ?search_path=my_search_path executes the following query whenever a connection is created:

  1. SET search_path TO 'my_search_path'

In addition to DSN, you can also use pgdriver.OptionOverview - 图2open in new window to configure the driver:

  1. pgconn := pgdriver.NewConnector(
  2. pgdriver.WithNetwork("tcp"),
  3. pgdriver.WithAddr("localhost:5437"),
  4. pgdriver.WithTLSConfig(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}),
  5. pgdriver.WithUser("test"),
  6. pgdriver.WithPassword("test"),
  7. pgdriver.WithDatabase("test"),
  8. pgdriver.WithApplicationName("myapp"),
  9. pgdriver.WithTimeout(5 * time.Second),
  10. pgdriver.WithDialTimeout(5 * time.Second),
  11. pgdriver.WithReadTimeout(5 * time.Second),
  12. pgdriver.WithWriteTimeout(5 * time.Second),
  13. pgdriver.WithConnParams(map[string]interface{}{
  14. "search_path": "my_search_path",
  15. }),
  16. )

Or use a DSN and driver options together:

  1. pgconn := pgdriver.NewConnector(
  2. pgdriver.WithDSN("postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/test?sslmode=verify-full"),
  3. pgdriver.WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig),
  4. )


pgdriver exposes ErrorOverview - 图3open in new window type to work with PostgreSQL errors:

  1. import ""
  2. _, err := db.NewInsert().Model(&model).Exec(ctx)
  3. if err != nil {
  4. if err, ok := err.(pgdriver.Error); ok && err.IntegrityViolation() {
  5. // ...
  6. } else if err.Field('C') == pgerrcode.InvalidTransactionState {
  7. // ...
  8. } else {
  9. // ...
  10. }
  11. }


If you suspect an issue with pgdriver, try to replace it with pgx and check if the problem goes away.


As an alternative to pgdriver, you can also use pgxOverview - 图4open in new window with pgdialect. With pgx, you can disable implicit prepared statements, because Bun does not benefit from using them:

  1. import (
  2. ""
  3. ""
  4. ""
  5. )
  6. config, err := pgx.ParseConfig("postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/test?sslmode=disable")
  7. if err != nil {
  8. panic(err)
  9. }
  10. config.PreferSimpleProtocol = true
  11. sqldb := stdlib.OpenDB(*config)
  12. db := bun.NewDB(sqldb, pgdialect.New())


To achieve better performance, you can use a server-side connection pool like PgBouncerOverview - 图5open in new window. The pool that comes with sql.DB is a client-side pool and it doesn’t replace a server-side pool provided by PgBouncer.


If you store large amounts of data (> 100 gigabytes), consider using ZFS filesystem which enables 2-3x data compression and efficient ARC cache. See: