Update [PostgreSQL MySQL]


For the full list of supported methods, see API referenceUPDATE - 图1open in new window.

  1. db.NewUpdate().
  2. With("cte_name", subquery).
  3. Model(&strct).
  4. Model(&slice).
  5. Model(&map). // only map[string]interface{}
  6. Column("col1", "col2"). // list of columns to insert
  7. ExcludeColumn("col1"). // all columns except col1
  8. ExcludeColumn("*"). // exclude all columns
  9. Table("table1", "table2"). // quotes table names
  10. TableExpr("table1 AS t1"). // arbitrary unsafe expression
  11. TableExpr("(?) AS alias", subquery).
  12. ModelTableExpr("table1 AS t1"). // overrides model table name
  13. Value("col1", "expr1", arg1, arg2). // overrides column value
  14. // Generates `SET col1 = 'value1'`
  15. Set("col1 = ?", "value1").
  16. SetColumn("col1", "?", "value1").
  17. WherePK(). // where using primary keys
  18. Where("id = ?", 123).
  19. Where("name LIKE ?", "my%").
  20. Where("? = 123", bun.Ident("id")).
  21. Where("id IN (?)", bun.In([]int64{1, 2, 3})).
  22. Where("id IN (?)", subquery).
  23. Where("FALSE").WhereOr("TRUE").
  24. WhereGroup(" AND ", func(q *bun.SelectQuery) *bun.SelectQuery {
  25. return q.WhereOr("id = 1").
  26. WhereOr("id = 2")
  27. }).
  28. Returning("*").
  29. Returning("col1, col2").
  30. Returning("NULL"). // don't return anything
  31. Exec(ctx)


To update a row, define a model and use UpdateQueryUPDATE - 图2open in new window:

  1. book := &Book{ID: 123, Title: "hello"}
  2. res, err := db.NewUpdate().Model(book).WherePK().Exec(ctx)

To update a single column:

  1. book.Title = "hello"
  2. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  3. Model(book).
  4. Column("title").
  5. Where("id = ?", 123).
  6. Exec(ctx)
  1. UPDATE books SET title = 'my title' WHERE id = 1


  1. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  2. Model(book).
  3. Set("title = ?", "hello").
  4. Where("id = ?", 123).
  5. Exec(ctx)


To bulk-update books, you can use a CTE:

  1. values := db.NewValues([]*Book{book1, book2})
  2. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  3. With("_data", values).
  4. Model((*Book)(nil)).
  5. TableExpr("_data").
  6. Set("title = _data.title").
  7. Set("text = _data.text").
  8. Where("book.id = _data.id").
  9. Exec(ctx)
  1. WITH _data (id, title, text) AS (
  3. (1, 'title1', 'text1'),
  4. (2, 'title2', 'text2')
  5. )
  6. UPDATE books AS book
  7. SET title = _data.title, text = _data.text
  8. FROM _data
  9. WHERE book.id = _data.id

Alternatively, you can use Bulk helper which creates a CTE for you:

  1. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  2. Model(&books).
  3. Column("title", "text").
  4. Bulk().
  5. Exec(ctx)


To update using a map[string]interface{}:

  1. value := map[string]interface{}{
  2. "title": "title1",
  3. "text": "text1",
  4. }
  5. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  6. Model(&value).
  7. TableExpr("books").
  8. Where("id = ?", 1).
  9. Exec(ctx)
  1. UPDATE books
  2. SET title = 'title1', text = 'text2'
  3. WHERE id = 1

Omit zero values

You can also tell Bun to omit zero struct fields, for example, the following query does not update email column because it contains an empty value:

  1. type User struct {
  2. ID int64
  3. Name string
  4. Email string
  5. }
  6. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  7. Model(&User{ID: 1, Name: "John Doe"}).
  8. OmitZero().
  9. WherePK().
  10. Exec(ctx)
  1. UPDATE users
  2. SET name = "John Doe"
  3. WHERE id = 1


Multi-table updates differ in PostgreSQL and MySQL:

  1. -- PostgreSQL
  2. UPDATE dest FROM src SET col1 = src.col1 WHERE dest.id = src.id
  3. -- MySQL
  4. UPDATE dest, src SET dest.col1 = src.col1 WHERE dest.id = src.id

Bun helps you write queries for both databases by providing SetColumn method:

  1. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  2. Table("dest", "src").
  3. SetColumn("col1", "src.col1").
  4. Where("dest.id = src.id").
  5. Exec(ctx)

If you have a slice of models to update, use Bulk method:

  1. res, err := db.NewUpdate().
  2. Model(&models).
  3. Column("col1").
  4. Bulk().
  5. Exec(ctx)