Tools located in the Tools tab of the Tool Shelf in the 3D View or UV/Image Editor.
With this panel, you can create many brushes, each with unique settings (such as color and width).In the UV/Image Editor this panel is called Paint.
Texture Draw 纹理绘制笔刷
The normal brush, paints a swath of color.See Common settings below.
- 使用渐变色
A gradient can be used as a color source.
- Gradient Colors
- The 颜色渐变部件 to define the gradient colors.
- 模式
- 压感
- Will choose a color from the color ramp according to the stylus pressure.
- 限定
- Will alter the color along the stroke and as specified by Gradient spacing.With Clamp it uses the last color of the color ramp after the specified gradient.
- 重复
- Similar to Clamp. After the last color it resets the color to the first color in the color ramp andrepeats the pattern.
Fill 填充笔刷
It can be used to fill large areas of the image with the brush color.The tool fills adjacent pixels that have a color value similar to the pixel you clicked on.
- Fill Threshold (2D only)
- Determines how much the color must be similar to the color of pixel you click to be filled.A low Threshold only fills very similar in color pixels.A higher Threshold fills pixels within a broader range of color.
- 使用渐变色
- Allows the use of a gradient to fill the image.
To apply the gradient with the Fill brush click LMB and drag to definethe gradient line, or radius if a radial gradient is used (depending on the Gradient Fill Mode).
- Gradient Colors
- The 颜色渐变部件 to define the gradient colors.
- 渐变填充模式
- 线性,径向
Overrides 重写笔刷
For projective texturing it will bypass some options for projective painting to paint the model.This means that occluded, backfacing and normal culled faces will always get filled,regardless of whether the options are activatedin the Project Paint panel.
Mask 遮罩笔刷
The mask feature maps an image to the mesh and uses the image intensity tomask out certain parts of the mesh out during painting.The mask options can be found in the mask panel'sslots tab.It's only available for 3D projective painting.
- Mask Value
- Mask weight, a value of zero means not masked, while one is completely masked.
Soften 柔化笔刷
Uses a "blur effect" to soften or sharpen the image.
- 方向
- Soften 柔化笔刷
Is used to paint a blur effect.
- Kernel Radius (2D only)
- Blur radius in pixels.
- 锐化
- 锐化阈值
- 阈值只对那些与周围像素值不同的像素进行锐化处理。
- Kernel Radius (2D only)
- The kernel size controls how big an area the tool searches over is while calculating that difference.
- 模糊模式
- 高斯
- 靠近笔刷中心的像素采样最多。
- Box
- 将所有周围像素均匀地采样。
Smear 笔刷
当你点击鼠标时将光标下面的颜色与你移动鼠标方向的颜色相混合。类似于 GIMP 的“涂抹”工具。
Clone 克隆笔刷
Copies the colors from the specified image (or location of the same image) to the active image.
In 3D projective painting the clone cursor can be set with Ctrl-LMB.In 2D painting the clone can be moved dragging it with RMB.
- Clone from Paint Slot (3D projective only)
Use another image as clone source, instead of using the 3D cursor position as the source in the same image.
- 克隆源槽
- This allows you to select an image as a clone source.
- Image (2D only)
- Image used as a clone source.
- Alpha (2D only)
- 复制的图像显示的不透明度。
- 颜色
- 笔刷的颜色。见 拾色器.
Press S on any part of the image to sample that color and set it as the brush color.Hold Ctrl to paint with background color.
- 翻转 (循环图标) X
- 半径
- 笔刷的半径,单位为像素。
- 强度
- 笔刷在使用时的强度。
空间衰减 (锁图标)
- 压感(手和蓝色线图标)
- 在以下三个设置的右侧切换将启用或禁用绘图板压感度,以控制压感效果的强弱。
- 混合
- 设置绘制应用在底层颜色的混合方式。请参阅 颜色混合模式.
- Erase Alpha: makes the image transparent where painted,allowing background colors and lower-level textures to show through.As you "paint", the false checkerboard background will be revealed.Using a table pen's eraser end will toggle on this mode.
为了在UV /图像编辑器中看到擦除和添加 Alpha(阿尔法)混合模式的效果,你必须通过单击UV /图像编辑器中的显示alpha或仅勾选alpha(阿尔法)按钮启用alpha通道显示。透明(无阿尔法alpha)区域将显示方格背景。
- 累积
- 这将允许笔触自己累加,就像喷枪一样。
- Alpha (3D only)
- When this is disabled, it locks (prevents changes to) the alpha channel while painting.
Use the face selection mask to isolate faces.See Face Selection Masking details.
Wraps the stroke to the other side of the image as your brush moves off the opposite side of the canvas.Very handy for making seamless textures. (In the UV/Image Editor only.)
- X
- 左/右
- Y
- 顶部/底部
- Quick Edit
- Edit a snapshot of the viewport in an external image editor.
- Apply
- Project edited image back onto the object.
- Size
- Size of the captured image for reprojecting.
- Apply Camera Image
- Project an edited render from the active camera back onto the object.