补丁 & 提交




  1. 按照自己的想法进行修改。

  2. 创建一个补丁文件,运行

    1. svn diff > filename.diff


    如果您已创建或删除文件,你需要在创建差异文件前,运行 svn add /path/to/file 或者 svn rm /path/to/file 。运行 svn status ,可以查看受影响的文件列表。

  3. 在这里上传差异文件 。如果你还没有账号,可以 注册一个

  4. 提交差异文件后,将要求你 “创建一个新的修改” ,然后就可以添加关于更改的标题和描述。

  5. 为了提示文档团队处理你的补丁,注意检查 Tags 文本框是否有指定为文档项目。你也可以在邮件列表或 Blender Chat联系 团队。

  6. They will review your patch and let you know about any changes you could make. If there is no issue, your patch will be accepted and then committed by the team of your patch.







  1. svn commit -m "This is what I did"

如果你省略了 -m "message" ,将提示你在文本编辑器中输入留言。

不要忘记在提交前运行 svn update


你修改过的文件被上传到中央仓库,供其他人继续参与和编写。提交可在仓库的 Diffusion 中追踪。很快你的修改就会呈现于在线手册中了。

Writing a Good Commit Message

When making changes to the manual that directly relate to a specific commit (change) in Blender, it is helpful to make the title of the commit the same as the commit made to Blender. It is requested that you include the commit hash of the commit made to the Blender source code.

For example, the commit rBM8473 includes a descriptive indicative of the changes made along with the hash rBa71d2b260170. The hash can be extracted from the URL provided in the Documentation task for a specific upcoming release.

Other more general changes do not have to follow the above policy however, it is still important to make the description clear about what changes you made and why. It can be helpful to prefix the commit title with a prefix word such as Cleanup: or Fix: when you are making general cleanups or fixes respectively.

Writing good commit messages helps administrators keep track of changes made and ensures all new features are properly documented.