Introduction records the tls protocol config


Config Item Type Description
Version String Version of config file
DefaultNextProtos String Array Default application layer protocols over TLS
Config Struct Tls rule config. Key: unique label, Value: tls rule detail

The struct of tls rule detail is as followed:

Config Item Type Description
CertName String Name of server certificate (Defined in
NextProtos String Array TLS application layer protocol- if empty, default http/1.1
Grade String TLS Security grade (A+, A, B, C)
ClientAuth Bool Enable TLS Client Authentication
ClientCAName String Name of Client CA certificate
VipConf String Array List of VIP addresses
SniConf String Array List of hostnames (optional)


  1. {
  2. "Version": "20190101000000",
  3. "DefaultNextProtos": ["http/1.1"],
  4. "Config": {
  5. "example_product": {
  6. "VipConf": [
  7. ""
  8. ],
  9. "SniConf": null,
  10. "CertName": "",
  11. "NextProtos": [
  12. "h2;rate=0;isw=65535;mcs=200;level=0",
  13. "http/1.1"
  14. ],
  15. "Grade": "C",
  16. "ClientCAName": ""
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }