模块配置文件: conf/mod_trace/mod_trace.conf
配置项 | 描述 |
Basic.DataPath | String 规则配置文件路径 |
Basic.ServiceName | String 服务名 |
Basic.TraceAgent | String 设置trace组件,可选值:jaeger和zipkin |
Log.OpenDebug | Boolean 是否启用模块调试日志开关 |
配置项 | 描述 |
Zipkin.HTTPEndpoint | String 设置接收trace信息的接口 |
Zipkin.SameSpan | String 客户端与服务端是否使用相同的span |
Zipkin.ID128Bit | String 是否使用128位span ID |
Zipkin.SampleRate | Float 设置请求抽样比例 |
配置项 | 描述 |
Jaeger.SamplingServerURL | String 设置抽样服务地址 |
Jaeger.SamplingType | String 设置抽样类型,可选值:const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, remote |
Jaeger.SamplingParam | Float 设置抽样参数 |
Jaeger.LocalAgentHostPort | String 设置接收span信息的jaeger-agent地址 |
Jaeger.Propagation | String 设置透传格式,可选值:jaeger或b3 |
Jaeger.Gen128Bit | Boolean 是否使用128位span ID |
Jaeger.TraceContextHeaderName | String 设置上下文中header名称 |
Jaeger.CollectorEndpoint | String 设置jaeger-collector地址 |
Jaeger.CollectorUser | String 设置jaeger-collector认证用户名 |
Jaeger.CollectorPassword | String 设置jaeger-collector认证密码 |
配置项 | 描述 |
Elastic.ServerURL | String 设置Elastic APM server |
Elastic.SecretToken | String 设置Elastic APM server认证token |
DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe
# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = zipkin
OpenDebug = false
# Zipkin, only useful when the TraceAgent is zipkin
# HTTP Endpoint to report traces to
HTTPEndpoint =
# Use Zipkin SameSpan RPC style traces
SameSpan = false
# Use Zipkin 128 bit root span IDs
ID128Bit = true
# The rate between 0.0001 and 1.0 of requests to trace
SampleRate = 1.0
DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe
# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = jaeger
OpenDebug = false
# Jaeger, only useful when the TraceAgent is jaeger
# SamplingServerURL is the address of jaeger-agent's HTTP sampling server
SamplingServerURL =
# Type specifies the type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, or remote
SamplingType = const
# Param is a value passed to the sampler.
# Valid values for Param field are:
# - for "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
# - for "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
# - for "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
# - for "remote" sampler, param is the same as for "probabilistic"
# and indicates the initial sampling rate before the actual one
# is received from the mothership.
SamplingParam = 1.0
# LocalAgentHostPort instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address
LocalAgentHostPort =
# Which propagation format to use (jaeger/b3)
Propagation = jaeger
# Use Jaeger 128 bit root span IDs
Gen128Bit = true
# TraceContextHeaderName is the http header name used to propagate tracing context.
TraceContextHeaderName = uber-trace-id
# Instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-collector at this URL
CollectorEndpoint = ""
# CollectorUser for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
CollectorUser = ""
# CollectorPassword for basic http authentication when sending spans to jaeger-collector
CollectorPassword = ""
DataPath = mod_trace/
ServiceName = bfe
# Which trace agent to use (zipkin, jaeger, elastic)
TraceAgent = elastic
OpenDebug = false
# Elastic, only useful when TraceAgent is elastic
# Set the URL of the Elastic APM server
ServerURL =
# Set the token used to connect to Elastic APM Server
SecretToken = ""
规则配置文件: conf/mod_trace/
配置项 | 描述 |
Version | String 配置文件版本 |
Config | Object 各产品线的规则列表 |
Config[k] | String 产品线名称 |
Config[v] | Object 产品线的规则列表 |
Config[v][] | Object 产品线的规则 |
Config[v][].Cond | String 规则的匹配条件, 语法详见Condition |
Config[v][].Enable | Boolean 是否开启trace |
"Version": "20200218210000",
"Config": {
"example_product": [
"Cond": "req_host_in(\"\")",
"Enable": true