Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting

These days, many popular editors support ES2015+ syntax highlightingout of the box, while some require installing additional extensions.This guide should help you get the syntax highlighting to work.

If you're looking for more advanced integrations, you may want totake a look at the Setup guide.

Tip: The font used on the screenshot above is FiraCode.


Install language-babel packageand follow the instructions.

Sublime Text 3

First, install Package Control.Then install Babel packagefrom the Package Control menu and followthe instructions.


Install the vim-javascript plugin, which brings bothimproved syntax highlighting and indentation support for JavaScript to Vim.

Another option is to use yajs.vim

Visual Studio Code

Install the sublime-babel-vscode extension and follow the instructions.

There seems to be one other way to get the syntax highlighting working and you can learnmore about it in the Visual Studio Code docs.


WebStorm now ships with support for ES2015+ without requiring the installation of any additionalextensions. You may, however, need to enable it.