Sync Phases and Waves
Argo CD executes a sync operation in a number of steps. At a high-level, there are three phases pre-sync, sync and post-sync.
Within each phase you can have one or more waves, than allows you to ensure certain resources are healthy before subsequent resources are synced.
How Do I Configure Phases?
Pre-sync and post-sync can only contain hooks. Apply the hook annotation:
annotations: PreSync
How Do I Configure Waves?
Specify the wave using the following annotation:
annotations: "5"
Hooks and resources are assigned to wave zero by default. The wave can be negative, so you can create a wave that runs before all other resources.
How Does It Work?
When Argo CD starts a sync, it orders the resources in the following precedence:
- The phase
- The wave they are in (lower values first)
- By kind (e.g. namespaces first)
- By name
It then determines which the number of the next wave to apply. This is the first number where any resource is out-of-sync or unhealthy.
It applies resources in that wave.
It repeats this process until all phases and waves are in in-sync and healthy.
Because an application can have resources that are unhealthy in the first wave, it may be that the app can never get to healthy.