
Once you’ve set up one of the above integrations, be sure to edit argo-rbac-cm to configure permissions (as in the example below). See RBAC Configurations for more detailed scenarios.

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: ConfigMap
  3. metadata:
  4. name: argocd-rbac-cm
  5. namespace: argocd
  6. data:
  7. policy.default: role:readonly

G Suite SAML App Auth using Dex

Configure a new SAML App

  1. In the Google admin console, open the left-side menu and select Apps > SAML Apps

    Google Admin Apps Menu

  2. Under Add App select Add custom SAML app

    Google Admin Add Custom SAML App

  3. Enter a Name for the application (eg. Argo CD), then choose Continue

    Google Admin Apps Menu

  4. Download the metadata or copy the SSO URL, Certificate, and optionally Entity ID from the identity provider details for use in the next section. Choose continue.

    • Base64 encode the contents of the certificate file, for example:
    • $ cat ArgoCD.cer | base64
    • Keep a copy of the encoded output to be used in the next section.

    Google Admin IdP Metadata

  5. For both the ACS URL and Entity ID, use your Argo Dex Callback URL, for example:

    Google Admin Service Provider Details

  6. Finish creating the application.

Configure Argo to use the new Google SAML App

Edit argo-cm and add the following dex.config to the data section, replacing the caData,, sso-url, and optionally google-entity-id with your values from the Google SAML App:

  1. data:
  2. url:
  3. dex.config: |
  4. connectors:
  5. - type: saml
  6. id: saml
  7. name: saml
  8. config:
  9. ssoURL: https://sso-url (eg.
  10. entityIssuer:
  11. caData: |
  13. redirectURI:
  14. usernameAttr: name
  15. emailAttr: email
  16. # optional
  17. ssoIssuer: https://google-entity-id (e.g.
