
Features listed in this section should no longer be used, because they areconsidered obsolete and may get removed in a future release. They are currentlykept for backward compatibility. There are usually better alternatives toreplace the old features with:

  • Simple Queries: Ideomatic interface in arangosh to perform trivial queries.They are superseded by AQL queries, which can alsobe run in arangosh. AQL is a language on its own and way more powerful thanSimple Queries could ever be. In fact, the (still supported) _Simple Queries_are translated internally to AQL, then the AQL query is optimized and runagainst the database in recent versions, because of better performance andreduced maintenance complexity.

  • Actions: Snippets of JavaScript code on the server-side for minimalcustom endpoints. Since the Foxx revamp in 3.0, it became really easy towrite Foxx Microservices, which allow you to definecustom endpoints even with complex business logic.