Shadow DB

Configuration Item Explanation

  1. spring.shardingsphere.datasource.names= # Omit the data source configuration, please refer to the usage
  2. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.enable= # Shadow DB switch. Optional values: true/false, the default is false
  3. # Production data source name
  4. # Shadow data source name
  5. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.tables.<table-name>.data-source-names= # Shadow table location shadow data source names (multiple values are separated by ",")
  6. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.tables.<table-name>.shadow-algorithm-names= # Shadow table location shadow algorithm names (multiple values are separated by ",")
  7. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.defaultShadowAlgorithmName= # Default shadow algorithm name,optional item.
  8. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.shadow-algorithms.<shadow-algorithm-name>.type= # Shadow algorithm type
  9. spring.shardingsphere.rules.shadow.shadow-algorithms.<shadow-algorithm-name> # Shadow algorithm property configuration