1. Environmental preparation

  • Install and start MySQL 5.7+, copy the doc/sql/apache_inlong_manager.sql file in the inlong-manager module to the server where the MySQL database is located (for example, copy to /data/ directory), load this file through the following command to complete the initialization of the table structure and basic data:

    1. # Log in to the MySQL server by username and password:
    2. mysql -u xxx -p xxx
    3. ...
    4. # Create database
    5. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS apache_inlong_manager;
    6. USE apache_inlong_manager;
    7. # Load the above SQL file through the source command:
    8. mysql> source /data/apache_inlong_manager.sql;
  • Refer to Compile and deploy TubeMQ to install and start the Tube cluster;

  • Refer to Compile and deploy TubeMQ Manager , install and start TubeManager.

2. Deploy and start manager-web

manager-web is a background service that interacts with the front-end page.

2.1 Prepare installation files

All installation files at inlong-manager-web directory.

2.2 Modify configuration

Go to the decompressed inlong-manager-web directory and modify the conf/application.properties file:

  1. # manager-web service port number
  2. server.port=8083
  3. # The configuration file used is dev
  4. spring.profiles.active=dev

The dev configuration is specified above, then modify the conf/application-dev.properties file:

  1. Modify the database URL, username and password:

    1. spring.datasource.jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql://
    2. spring.datasource.username=xxxxxx
    3. spring.datasource.password=xxxxxx
  2. Modify the connection information of the Tube and ZooKeeper clusters, among which cluster.zk.root suggests using the default value:

    1. # Manager address of Tube cluster, used to create Topic
    2. cluster.tube.manager=
    3. # Broker used to manage Tube
    4. cluster.tube.master=,
    5. # Tube cluster ID
    6. cluster.tube.clusterId=1
    7. # ZK cluster, used to push the configuration of Sort
    8. cluster.zk.url=
    9. cluster.zk.root=inlong_hive
    10. # Sort application name, that is, set the cluster-id parameter of Sort, the default value is "inlong_app"
    11. sort.appName=inlong_app

2.3 Start the service

Enter the decompressed directory, execute sh bin/startup.sh to start the service, and check the log tailf log/manager-web.log. If a log similar to the following appears, the service has started successfully:

  1. Started InLongWebApplication in 6.795 seconds (JVM running for 7.565)

3. Service access verification

Verify the manager-web service:

Visit address: http://[manager_web_ip]:[manager_web_port]/api/inlong/manager/doc.html#/home